Risorse educative aperte (OER) e nuovi media

iWell – Enhancing the Digital and Social Well-being in Schools

iWell – Enhancing the Digital and Social Well-being in Schools

Objectives To support educators in becoming “active health agents” to promote the digital and social well-being of their students;To enhance the digital and life skills of primary school students, paying emphasis on maintaining a healthy balance of digital media...

OER Town – Towns as Open Educational Resource for migrants using mobile applications

OER Town – Towns as Open Educational Resource for migrants using mobile applications

Objectives To produce a generic framework on how a local community could be transformed in an open educational resource for migrants, asylum seeker and refugees; To develop, test and distribute a mobile application for presenting and evaluating learning challenges to...

Work4Psy – An innovative model for career counselling services to Mental Health NEETs

Work4Psy – An innovative model for career counselling services to Mental Health NEETs

Objectives To facilitate the work integration of young NEETs (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training) with mental health issues;To develop the skills of mental health professionals, career counsellors and informal carers;To develop a specialised methodology...