
Based on CESIE experiences and deep understanding of this target group, the Unit sees such activities as a means to foster social inclusion and encourage civic participation. Thanks to its young and skilful staff, the Youth unit uses non-formal education strategies to prepare, implement and monitor projects, targeted at young people and youth workers and carried out at local, European and international level.
Main Activities
Discover our Youth Initiatives

Get Political – Igniting Youth Active Participation in Political and Electoral Processes through Political Literacy and Knowledge

CREATE – promoting CultuRE as A Tool to Empower citizens from disadvantaged backgrounds and enhance social cohesion

Stars4SD – Supporting youth entrepreneurs in meeting Sustainable Development Goals through a peer certification system

Skills4Life – Life Skills 4 Life After Prison: Sowing the Seeds of Social Inclusion for Young Offenders

Gen Y/Z SCOODLE – Second Chance On-Line Opportunities for the Development of Learning for Engagement

ActiveGames4Change: Sports and Physical Activity Learning Environment for Citizenship, Emotional, Social e-Competences

REC – Reflect Experiment Capture Experimental Filmmaking to Prevent Violence and Empower Disadvantaged Young People

In&Out – Boosting disadvantaged youth and migrant integration through cultural and volunteering activities

PC IMPRESS – Promotion and Capitalization of International Mobility Project to Reinforce Employability and Sociability System

FETE – From Expats to Experts: United Civil Society through Inclusion and Empowerment of Young Immigrants

Employskills – The Development and Enhancement of Employability Skills for Young University Graduates of Cyprus

European implementation of CAPPYC – Cannabis Abuse Prevention Program for Young Consumers and evaluation of their results using a scale measuring attitudes towards drug use

CLIMATE CHANGE – Communicating Ecological Responsibility in a Multicultural Environment: Communication Techniques for Mobilizing Youth – Action on Climate Change

EurAsia Wings – Youth and enterprises from Europe and Asia working together to share good practices on environmental issues through Art

TESD – Tools for Equal Sustainable Development – Let’s maximize the role of Young Women in Sustainable Development