Strengthening democratic participation in Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Cyprus) by empowering civil society organisations (CSOs) to denounce threats, monitor violations and build public trust.

Strengthening democratic participation in Southern Europe (Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Cyprus) by empowering civil society organisations (CSOs) to denounce threats, monitor violations and build public trust.
We aim to ensure proper management of guardianship and care for unaccompanied minors and offer support to both professional and volunteer figures involved in this, in order to assist them and create a network among them.
Hampering hate speech and disinformation through AI-based technologies to prevent and combat polarisation and the spread of racist, xenophobic, and intolerant speech and conspiracy theories.
Tackling online gender-based hate speech through a comprehensive mechanism for online media to effectively detect and respond to the issue, and prevent violence and hate crimes.
Understanding, preventing, detecting and addressing Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OSEA) through a holistic, multi-faceted and multisectoral approach.
Comprehensive programme and multifaceted actions to prevent and tackle gender-based violence in and through sports to educate and empower sports professionals and stakeholders to actively address it.
My Elections – My EU! aims to empower youth civic engagement and active citizenship through artistic methods, increase their creative and journalistic skills, raise their self-esteem and be empowered to voice and express their political demands and views on the hot topics of climate crisis and migration to their new representatives in Brussels.
Enhancing educators’ skills to address the interdependence between sexual exploitation and gender-based violence, empowering women* through storytelling for inclusion and resilience, and fostering transnational cooperation to tackle global challenges.
To support social and labour inclusion of women and adolescent girls’ victims/survivors of trafficking by establishing safe spaces where women and girls are supported through processes of empowerment.
In a complex european context, move was created to respond to the needs of better citizen participation, youth empowerment and the strengthening of social entity networks to promote awareness and involvement of young europeans on the reality of migration towards social inclusion, valuing diversity and promoting european values.
Strengthen the capacity of universities to detect and respond to online and offline sexual harassment in the workplace and other relevant contexts (classrooms and digital spaces), with a special focus on minorities.
Raising awareness on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children for prostitution through social media campaigns in order to prevent child abuse.
A global and intersectional approach for prevention and combating intolerance, racism and xenophobia in online hate speech.
Fostering human rights awareness in higher education and other educational sectors through true e-stories.
Objectives To provide youth, especially youth with fewer opportunities, with learning opportunities and resources to attain an active presence in the public sphere, conceptualize, structure and promote their perceptions, views and suggestions in their fields of...