What do we do
We promote quality, equitable and inclusive education within schools of all levels and grades, responding to the diversity of educational needs, and valuing the potential and identities of students. We co-construct learning pathways by establishing educational and community alliances.
Main Activities
Face-to-face, online and blended training and mobility experiences
to promote intercultural dialogue and continuous professional development of teachers, managers and all school staff.
Fighting educational poverty
We promote inclusive education, i.e. quality teaching that respects, values and capitalises on individual differences.
Fighting early school leaving
Enhancing the educational offer of theз student, the development and strengthening of transversal and vocational skills, school orientation and the transition between the different educational levels.
Promotion of innovation at school
through the development and implementation of innovative and non-formal educational approaches and methodologies.
New partnerships between schools, families, third sector organisations and institutions
Promoting dialogue, exchange of good practices and actions to strengthen and build networks among the actors involved in the educational process of theз student.
Awareness-raising campaigns
on social issues such as bullying and cyber-bullying, equality and gender identity, addictions.