Teaching staff and educational staff This toolkit is designed to be a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in Project-Based Learning (PBL), from seasoned educators to enthusiastic individuals seeking to ignite creativity and learning in their communities. With...
Inclusion and Integration
SAFE HUT – Programme for capacity building activities: Anti-trafficking measures
Handbook The Programme for Capacity Building Activities in Anti-Trafficking, Gender and Protection is a crucial initiative dedicated to empowering communities to create safe spaces for women and girls. The programme focuses on improving the knowledge and skills of...
BOYSLINGO – BoysLingo App
The BoysLingo App features 40 gamified learning scenarios designed to enhance boys’ language skills.
BOYSLINGO – Teacher training curricula
The Teacher Training Curricula is aimed at educators, school leaders, and school staff and consist in 3 learning modules, hosted in a specific e-learning platform.
TINKER – Press releases
Here you can read recent updates about the project TINKER.
TRUST – Countering and preventing hate phenomena
Countering and Preventing Hate Phenomena – Getting to Know Islam and Muslim Women is a booklet created thanks to the TRUST project whose aim is to spread knowledge of differences in order to break down prejudices and stereotypes through dialogue and participation.
TINKER – A framework and toolkit for informatics education (transnational report)
Read the transnational report: the study found similarities and differences between countries regarding teaching computer science in an authentic and gender-inclusive way.
ARISE – Handbook for educational staff
This manual is a guide designed for everyone working in education who wants to improve the educational experience in multicultural schools.
EU+Map – Handbook for teachers
Trainers’ Multilingual Toolkit is composed by an interactive learning space for language trainers and people with migration background.
WEALTHY MINDS – E-learning platform
Discover Wealthy Minds’ e-learning course for nongovernmental organizations and institutions!
SAFE – Learning and Information Hub
SAFE Learning and Information Hub The SAFE Learning and Information Hub serves as a free online learning platform as well as an information repository and networking tool for senior learners and the adult educators working with them.
Road To Freedom – Handbook and Curriculum
The Curriculum and the Manual are two of the main outcomes of the Road To Freedom project. Inspired by the Norwegian FROG Leadership & Life Mastery methodology developed by the organization lyk-z & daughters, the Manual aims to explain and guide trainers in the implementation of this methodology.
Road To Freedom – Platform
The “Road To Freedom” E-learning Platform is one of the main outcomes of the project of the same name.
DIBS – Online Training Platform
It is an open education resource offering training for people with migrant background wishing to develop and/or strenghten their management, soft and digital skills which are key elements in the field of entrepreneurship.
GRECO – Manual of 30 good practices
The GRECO handbook is useful for better understanding job opportunities in the green economy, the potential for generating new jobs in the future, and the related skills required to perform these jobs.