The book launch of “CON IL SUD #unfuturomaivisto – Visioni e storie di un’Italia che può cambiare”, a volume sponsored by Fondazione CON IL SUD.
Socio-cultural Promotion
Civic Engagement, Stories and Visions. Introducing CON IL SUD #unfuturomaivisto
You are kindly invited to a panel discussion on Thursday, March 16th at 18,30 in Palermo, at Ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva (located in Via Messina Marine, 27).
LVIA: The Day of Intercultural Dialogue
The Day of Intercultural Dialogue, the final stage of the project “Youth and Intercultural: one year of dialogues”…
“Porte Aperte II” Party
The first year of the project “Inventing the future” is coming to an end. It has been founded by the APQ “Giovani protagonisti di sé e del territorio”…
Monreale, World Environment Day
Avrà luogo a Monreale, il prossimo 5 giugno, la seconda edizione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Ambiente organizzata dal Collettivo Link…
Libera Piazza: Commitment, Remembrance and Citizenship
Il CESIE – Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo sarà presente il 19 maggio dalle ore 16.00 alle 19.00 in Piazza Castelnuovo, presso…
Palermo Pride 2011, a week against homophobia
La settimana del Palermo Pride 2011 celebra la giornata internazionale contro l’omofobia con un articolato percorso…
Perugia – Assisi Peace March and Forum
CESIE would like to remind you that a Peace Forum is organized in Perugia on the14th and 15th of May 2010 , the day before the Perugia – Assisi Peace March. The Peace March is an important instrument for developing and promoting a culture of nonviolence, partially...