“Palermo come persona” è una mostra di storie illustrate di Palermo. Per sette mesi, abbiamo chiesto ad abitanti stabili e temporanei di immaginare come sarebbe stata Palermo, se fosse una persona: avrebbe un sesso definito, che aspetto avrebbe, quale sarebbe la sua personalità…?
#BeTheOne who takes a moment to BREATH & MOVE – Yoga ballet
Once a week, we will take our shoes off and relax through conscious breathing and movement. Each class will start with simple yoga exercises that will lead us to exploration of classical ballet movements. Our meetings will finish with relaxing yoga practice.
Training opportunities for young migrants
In CESIE, a training on employability has been started and it is addressed to young migrants hosted by some communities for unaccompanied minors and SPRAR for adults, located in Palermo. The training course is made by 8 meetings, 2 times per week, implemented in...
Laboratorio di narrazione digitale per professionisti che lavorano con gruppi vulnerabili
CESIE invita a presentare la propria candidatura per il laboratorio di narrazione digitale che avrà luogo il 9 Settembre dalle 15:00 alle 18:00. Il workshop sarà condotto in italiano ed è indirizzato ad educatori, operatori sociali e volontari che lavorano con gruppi...
A compilation of methods to learn ICT and English at 50+!
In the two years of EUROPE 50+ Project, the 4 partner organisations Wisamar (Germany), ZDZ Katowice (Poland), Alvit (Czech Republic) and CESIE (Italy), have been working together for the development of innovative and pedagogical teaching methods aiming at fostering...
Equality for Change: support the Italian campaign!
Italian, Kenyan, Indian, Senegalese, Palestinian, Egyptian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Nepalese…..these are some of the nationalities touched by the Italian Campaign “We are Different, We are the same”, within Equality for Change (EFC), an international project about...
Natural Awareness ThroUgh Active Learning
Last autumn 2012, the second phase of “NATURAL” project took place, a European Voluntary Service Project of Youth in Action Programme (Action 2). 6 volunteers coming from Austria, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania and Spain spent a month in the reserve Serra Guarneri near...
Europe Past Forward
The European Economic and Social Committee has launched one year more its annual video challenge “Europe Past Forward”. More than 90 videos are admitted for public voting, open until February 2nd 2013 at noon. There is only one vote per person and by completing the...
Learning through moving between Marseille and Palermo – Aurélien
The Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission, action 4.3, aims at supporting youth workers’ mobility and exchange, with a view to promoting the acquisition of new skills and competences in order to enrich their professional profile. My name is Aurelien and...
Summer volunteering: Music Festival in the Slovenian coast
Do you want to participate in a music festival in Slovenia? CESIE is pleased to offer this opportunity of Euroepan Voluntary Service from 28/06/2013, for 4 weeks. As it is a short-term EVS, who will participate will still have the opportunity to participate in a...
Collaborate in the field of fair trade with EVS
CESIE gives you the opportunity to participate in a project of Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg asbl (Luxembourg) and realize your own experience of European Volunteering for a period of 12 months, starting from September 2013. Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg organisation (click here if...
Empowered through learning – a successful mobility project coordinated by Balkan Assist Association
After having successfully passed the selection process of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission, Action 4.3 Youth Support Systems, Balkan Assist Association managed to send one of its young volunteers, Radostina Vuteva, on a youth worker’s mobility...
Learning By Doing
Do you want to develop your skills? Are you looking for learning opportunities? Do you want to be one step ahead in your professional career? That’s it! The best opportunity you’ve! “Learning By Doing” is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci,...
Don’t stop, make it slow
Young people from Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania will discover together how cities can acquire a slow rhythm… how to carry on respecting environment and traditional food, guarantying future of next generation! How? Conducting a sustainble lifestyle, consuming in a sustainable way earth resources.
Learning By Doing
The CESIE is happy to inform you that from September 2012 it will the Leonardo Mobility Project “Learning By Doing”. Learning By Doing is part of the LLP Programme – Leonardo da Vinci, transnational mobility action (PLM) and it aims to facilitate, for young Sicilian...