The BoysLingo App features 40 gamified learning scenarios designed to enhance boys’ language skills.
BOYSLINGO – Teacher training curricula
The Teacher Training Curricula is aimed at educators, school leaders, and school staff and consist in 3 learning modules, hosted in a specific e-learning platform.
Youth Folktale – Framework and screening tool on carrier preparedness for counsellors
The generic framework contains a desktop research to assess carrier preparedness factors and potential development outcomes, and focus group reports done in each country with young people and youth workers.
GRECO – Manual of 30 good practices
The GRECO handbook is useful for better understanding job opportunities in the green economy, the potential for generating new jobs in the future, and the related skills required to perform these jobs.
MEDUSA – Report on online gender-based violence
The analysis will contribute to the common international exchange and understanding of the specific circumstances of the countries involved in this project, in the area of frequency, prevention and challenges related with gender-based online violence.
Love Act – Roadmap
The roadmap is intended to guide lɜ lettorɜ in opening an intergenerational dialogue on issues of sexual and affective education between youth and adults, considering the needs of adolescents in terms of sexuality and affectivity.
YEA – Guidelines of the inclusive co-creative process for target groups involved
These guidelines are the result of the perspectives of young people and socioeducational staff on the skills and experiences of participation in the area.
Green League – Green Zines
Green Zines present the Green League’s 4 natural elements’ sport events in nature experience through photos, quotes and material collected by participants during the 8 local events in each partner country.
INCLUSION RELOADED – Methodologies for inclusive sport
This manual of methodologies for inclusive sports gathers different segments related to inclusive sport, including sport for people with physical disabilities, sport for youth at risk of marginalisation and other different non-formal education methodologies applicable to sport.
YOPEVA Entrepreneur – Methodological guide to support work with young aspiring entrepreneurs
This guide helps to guide trainers in developing a sound entrepreneurship training course, through outlined key elements, methodologies, and specific information to create content and deliver the program effectively.
Green League – Outlines of sports events in Europe
Outlines of Sports Events in Europe are designed to guide and support sport professionals, sport clubs and stakeholders during the management and execution of sports events combined with environmental reflection.
YOPEVA – Course #5: Entrepreneurial excellence
The general objective of this course is to complete participants’ training in Entrepreneurship with some final key components of being/becoming an entrepreneur.
YOPEVA ENTREPRENEUR – Course #4: Develop a business plan
The general objective of this course is to advance the business idea into a formal Business Plan.
TUA – Press releases
TUA press releases provide information on project progress.
RECAP – Roadmap for youth social inclusion
The “Roadmap for Youth Social Inclusion through Art and Culture in a post-pandemic context” is the last output of the RECAP project. Its objective is to collect the lessons learnt during the local paths implemented with youth workers and youths and draw a set of recommendations and possible guidelines on how to accompany a process of social inclusion for vulnerable youths by the means of cultural and artistic methods and tools.