In this section you can find the GBS newsletter to keep up-to-date with the latest news and achievements!
Active citizenship and Volunteering
PIVOT – Newsletter
Uncover the origins of the European Union, its diverse member states, core values, and primary objectives. Explore crucial themes such as gender equality, environmental sustainability, and inclusivity.
EUNITE! – Citizens’ recommendations to the representatives of the European Union
New trends in citizens’ participation within the eu è il risultato degli eventi conclusivi di eunite a bruxelles. Durante il training e la conferenza, i partecipanti si sono interrogati sul rapporto tra cittadinanza attiva e diritti.
EUNITE! – Recommendations for fostering democratic processes in Europe
EUNITE! aims to get European citizens more involved in European Parliament elections by promoting interest in EU policies and critical use of the media. Through workshops, debates and meetings, it has produced the Citizens Lab, a collection of recommendations from participants.
Citizens Xelerator – Model and kit
Citizens Xelerator provides a model and kit to help adults with literacy needs improve their skills and promote civic engagement. Through Action Labs, resources will guide the development of local solutions to address social and sustainability challenges.
EUNITE! – Proposals of European citizens regarding the policies of the Union
The EUNITE! project aims to boost European citizens’ participation in European Parliament elections by promoting interest in EU policies and developing critical sense in interpreting information and using the media.
ADD – Ideathon Guide
The guide provides detailed information about the Ideathon method, useful for increasing youth participation at local level. The manual is dedicated to youth workers and local authorities, and could be useful to develop idea and project proposal involving the local community.
PIVOT – Thematic Modules
The training modules aim to raise awareness among young people about the following issues: EU functions and roles, migration, climate change, and gender equality.
FEM-ABLE – National & EU strategies for Gender Equality
The FEM-ABLE National and European Gender Equality Strategies are tactical documents developed to provide specific tools and resources to promote and support women’s participation and representation in the political and decision-making spheres.
SAFE – Learning and Information Hub
SAFE Learning and Information Hub The SAFE Learning and Information Hub serves as a free online learning platform as well as an information repository and networking tool for senior learners and the adult educators working with them.
ILCES – E-learning platform for intergenerational learning groups
The platform will provide trainers and adult learners with information, tools and resources to support the delivery and management of education by introducing a methodology that assesses the learning of “green” skills.
ILCES – Recommendations and guidelines for forward-looking community learning centres
The document contains a set of recommendations for adult education centers useful for incorporating sustainability principles into all areas of their activities.
ILCES – Impulse handbook for intergenerational learning
The manual provides learners with a broader understanding of the issues concerning environmental sustainability
EUNITE! Infopack on (mis/dis) information
The infopack collects the results of the events that the partners carried out for the Eunite project. The infopack aims to increase citizens’ knowledge regarding the use of mass media, and disinformation on EU.
EUNITE! Infopack on EU institutions and opportunities
The infopack aims to increase citizens’ knowledge of the institutions and functioning of the EU.