E-learning platform The e-learning course for teachers and educational community is an integrated and asynchronous online course based on an interactive learning method revolving around a series of interactive lessons, activities and exercises. The modules have been...
Intercultural dialogue
Youth Folktale – Folk tale boxes
Folk Tale boxes are key result of the project are six folk tale boxes, which contain videoclips and “cards” on different factors and tasks of the folk tale for young people as well as youth workers to work with assessment of the folk tale, guide for one-on-one use, and guide for group use for youth workers.
TRUST – Countering and preventing hate phenomena
Countering and Preventing Hate Phenomena – Getting to Know Islam and Muslim Women is a booklet created thanks to the TRUST project whose aim is to spread knowledge of differences in order to break down prejudices and stereotypes through dialogue and participation.
ARISE – Handbook for educational staff
This manual is a guide designed for everyone working in education who wants to improve the educational experience in multicultural schools.
In&In Education – Journeys of Education: video on educational testimonies from migrant referents
The educational resource “Educational Pathways: video testimonies on the educational paths of people with migrant backgrounds” is a guide directed to teachers and educators.
In&In Education – Mapping: strategies and resources for socio-educational inclusion of students of migrant origin – Sicilia
This mapping brings together a set of educational measures and resources that serve both school management teams and teachers, students, and families.
YEA – Guidelines of the inclusive co-creative process for target groups involved
These guidelines are the result of the perspectives of young people and socioeducational staff on the skills and experiences of participation in the area.
In&In Education – Teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin
The course Teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin through intersectional approach overall aims to strengthen the teachers’ knowledge on the educational inclusion of students at pre-school, primary and secondary school stages, focusing on the needs of girls and boys with migrant origin, and paying special attention to educational transitions and early school leaving.
In&In Education – Educational inclusion: the impact of social and political context
Report on social context, public policies and their impacts on the inclusion and educational trajectories of migrant students in Mediterranean Europe: a comparative and cross-country analysis of Spain, Greece and Italy.
TRUST – Results and monitoring of the action plan
This report outlines the results achieved through the involvement of law enforcement, the Muslim community and civil society, whose aim was to work in synergy towards overcoming prejudice, building trust between stakeholders and creating a structured support network.
PARENTSENGAGE – Collection of good practices on the involvement of migrant parents
Download the study by Parents Engage!
ParentsEngage – Teaching Training manual on Engaging parents of migrant children
The teachers’ manual is a useful tool to foster the involvement of parents and/or guardians of migrant children and make them part of the educational process in which they are included.
MOSAIC+ – Platform
Through the platform of MOSAIC+ you can discover more than 40 activities for educators, parents and children!
ARISE – Assessment of teachers and pupils needs, practices and propositions
Download the methodological and pedagogical study ARISE!
ENABLE – Newsletters
Download the ENABLE project newsletters!