TUA Toolkit resource is crafted to support you in expressing yourself through art and sharing your unique voice with the world.
Art and Culture
Youth Folktale – Training curriculum for youth workers
A two-level training course for training peer mentors and youth workers on the use of folk tale boxes and the screening tool.
Youth Folktale – Folk tale boxes
Folk Tale boxes are key result of the project are six folk tale boxes, which contain videoclips and “cards” on different factors and tasks of the folk tale for young people as well as youth workers to work with assessment of the folk tale, guide for one-on-one use, and guide for group use for youth workers.
Youth Folktale – Framework and screening tool on carrier preparedness for counsellors
The generic framework contains a desktop research to assess carrier preparedness factors and potential development outcomes, and focus group reports done in each country with young people and youth workers.
Creation POP – Newsletter
Download the Creation POP newsletters for all the latest developments on the project. The Creation POP project is dedicated to enhancing the social inclusion of older adults by using intergenerational creative arts, particularly theatre-based activities.
RestART – Policy Recommendations
This video, developed within the RestART project, contains recommendations addressed to EU policymakers, highlighting the specific and common challenges and needs of the cultural and creative sector (CCS) in Europe.
RestART – Good Practices
This selection of good practices brings together exemplary initiatives in the field of vocational education & training that use digital tools for their work in the cultural and creative sector and that serve as practical parameters and sources of inspiration that can be replicated in other countries.
Creation POP – Methodology
The Creation POP Methodology is an innovative approach designed to foster social inclusion for older adults by using intergenerational creative arts such as storytelling, drama, and collective theatre creation.
RestART – Kit for successful VET in the CCS
The RestART Kit is a comprehensive resource designed to support VET providers in the cultural and creative sector in their mission to update revitalize their training offerings by adapting them to the new needs of the cultural and creative sector
RestART – MOOC-ART- User guide for trainee
These guidelines were developed to support learners from the cultural creative sector in registering and using the MOOC-ART
RestART – MOOC-ART User guide for trainer
These guidelines were develop to provide clear information to the trainers of the cultural & creative sector on the registration and use of the MOOC-ART, the innovative e-learning platform of the RestART project.
TUA – Press releases
TUA press releases provide information on project progress.
RECAP – Roadmap for youth social inclusion
The “Roadmap for Youth Social Inclusion through Art and Culture in a post-pandemic context” is the last output of the RECAP project. Its objective is to collect the lessons learnt during the local paths implemented with youth workers and youths and draw a set of recommendations and possible guidelines on how to accompany a process of social inclusion for vulnerable youths by the means of cultural and artistic methods and tools.
HaHa – Happy Compass
The Happy Compass is a psychological support tool that can be used daily to stimulate creativity and promote experimentation among people. It is a collection of dynamic art methods that aim to improve the quality of life of those who particularly suffered during the pandemic.
HaHa – Handbook for trainers
The Handbook for educators collects different methodologies and practical activities based on artistic tools.