Raising awareness on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children for prostitution through social media campaigns in order to prevent child abuse.
Throughout Europe, a growing number of young people between 14 and 17 years old are victims of sexual exploitation for prostitution. Nonetheless the issue remains under as there is very little data and awareness on this phenomenon, which is still very taboo in many European countries. In this context it’s important to collect data, provide evidence-based information to young people and families, and raise awareness in the general public in order to prevent child abuse in general and combat the sexual exploitation of children for prostitution.
- To improve the knowledge around the phenomenon of child prostitution in Europe.
- To raise awareness on the risks and impact of child prostitution among young people, families and the general public.
- Desk-based and field research on the phenomenon of child prostitution at country level.
- Creation of multi-media resources to inform on the phenomenon of child prostitution directed at young people, families and policy-makers.
- Running of an awareness-rising campaign on social media.
- Prevention workshops with young people.
- Country report on the phenomenon of child prostitution
- Informational material for awareness rising and social media campaign: Web series, Prevention Resource Pack, Handout, Flyer for youths, Press releases
- Parent’s information guide
- Policy papers
- Improved knowledge of the phenomenon of child prostitution at the local level.
- Greater awareness among local young people, families and institutions on the phenomenon of child prostitution.
- Pistes Solidaires (France, Coordinator)
- MEITIS (France)
- KMOP (Greece)
- CESIE ETS (Italy)