Innovative actions to improve the literacy and political engagement of 15-30 year olds, youth workers and educators through participatory learning experiences and the use of practical resources.
Best Practices
Green-ON promotes eco-innovation by providing tailored training and resources to organizations, aimed at spreading a green mindset and fostering better corporate culture.
Invest – Innovation in Green and Digital VET Skills for Sustainable Lifestyles
Strengthen the capacity of institutions operating in the field of Vocational Training to provide skills adequately aligned with the needs of the ecological and digital transition in the Western Balkans region.
QYourself – Question what you get. Media Education to Combat Misinformation
QYourself equips educators with knowledge, tools and ready-to-use materials on digital media literacy in order to tackle disinformation spreading within EU citizens.
ADD – Something meaningful
The project will increase the active involvement of young people on the local level through the use of the IDEATHON method as a basis for creating an effective mechanism for the participation of young people.
RfG – Refashion for Good – Empowering School Communities towards a 4R way of living through Fashion
Empowering teenagers with the 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink) philosophy of life through fashion, with the double focus of environmental and social impact.
COSERE – Collegial Support for Resilience and Growth in Education
Fostering systematic every-day use of different internal support forms and peer-based professional development activities to make them part of schools’ culture.
BOYSLINGO – Enhancement of boys’ language skills through gamified mobile learning
Enhancing the language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) of boys aged 10-14 years old through the use of gamified mobile learning environments in formal education settings.
Citizens Xelerator – For democratic and civic participation
Upskilling Pathways for low-skilled adults to increase the employability, the inclusion and contribute to systemic change in regional/national/European approaches and strategies through participation and civic and democratic engagement.
STEM by STEM – Improving educators’ skills in inclusive STEM lessons creation
To create and make available to teachers and educators accessible, easily-implemented STEM educational resources to raise students’ interest over STEM and improve their science literacy.
SCIREARLY – Policies and Practices based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe
Contributing to reducing Early School Leaving amongst vulnerable groups devising and recommending policy measures built on educational actions that have evidence of social impact with replicability and scalability in Europe.
Develop and disseminate short-term, mid-term and long-term solutions so that VET professionals and VET learners can actively engage in a successful green digital transformation.
ParentsEngage – Building bridges between schools and migrant and refugee parents in Europe
Objectives To strengthen the skills of teachers in promoting productive relationships with the families of pupils with a migrant background To support the involvement of foreign parents in the educational pathway of their sons and daughters To improve the educational...
HaHa – Happy Habits
Objectives Transforming potential trauma of the Covid-19 health crisis and encouraging a re-focus on positive aspects of life by mobilizing adults' psychological resources needed to overcome difficult periods or situations and through the creation of tools to activate...
THRIVE@WORK – Training programme for well-being at work for HR managers that want their organisations to thrive
Objectives Empowering and encouraging HR Professionals, VET trainers, CEOs and Company owners to invest in and implement well-being programs for employees, as well as to regard stress prevention and wellbeing at work as priorities; Enhancing employees’ physical and...