Increasing the active involvement of young people on the local level through the use of the IDEATHON method as a basis for creating an effective mechanism for the participation of young people.
The weak of participation of young people at local level is particularly problematic. The importance of involving young people at a local level is highlighted in the Revised European Social which emphasizes the role of local authorities in providing opportunities for young people not only to learn about democracy, but also to use it.
As youth participation is key to democracy, yet young people are under-represented in decision-making processes that affect them, the issue is also highlighted by the European Union’s Youth Strategy 2019-2027, which, in the framework of the #9 The European Youth Goal – “Space and participation for all”, seeks to provide young people with accessible mechanisms and structures through which they can appropriately influence all areas of society and all stages of decision-making and which ensure that policies respond to the needs of young people.
The use of the IDEATHON method in the youth sector is not yet widespread, but the partners believe that it can become a permanent mechanism for youth participation in the local environment. Through the introduction of IDEATHONS, the project aims to empower youth organizations and local representatives to implement IDEATHONS for youth, giving young people the opportunity to engage and connect with decision-makers at the same time.
- To adapt and introduce IDEATHON in the youth sector and create connections between youth organizations-youth-local authorities.
- To empower youth organizations and local authorities to carry out participatory processes with young people through the use of IDEATHON.
- To raise awareness among young people, youth organizations, representatives of local authorities and the general public about the importance of youth participation at the local level.
- To create opportunities for common addressing of social challenges of all target groups (young people, youth organizations, local authorities).
- To ensure sustainability by achieving systemic funding for IDEATHONs beyond the end of the project.
- Conducting situation analysis and review of good practices in the field of youth participation at local level.
- Adapting the IDEATHON method for use in youth work with the preparation of a manual describing the method with concrete steps for implementation.
- Testing the manual among a total of youth trainers and workers and the creation of the selection committees and dissemination of project results.
- Organization of national and international meetings for IDEATHON practitioners and providers with the preparation of national training curricula.
- Application of IDEATHON with a call for young people to participate and the preparation of the evaluation report.
- Preparation of a handbook for representatives of local authorities.
- Preparation of an advocacy document.
- One inventory of the current involvement of young people by the 4 local authorities involved in the project.
- One manual on youth participation at a local level.
- One summary of the analysis with key recommendations.
- One manual describing the IDEATHON method.
- Supporting materials in 5 languages.
- One contact list of the beneficiaries.
- One handbook for representatives of local authorities in 5 languages.
- One advocacy document.
- 8 youth sector organizations used the IDEATHON method in the first year.
- 76 trainees acquired new knowledge on youth participation at local level with the IDEATHON method.
- 480 young people involved who, through their participation in IDEATHON, gained experience in participation at local level and strengthened their active citizenship and self-initiative.
- 5 recommendations for active involvement of young people at local level implemented in local acts of partner local authorities.
- 4 commitments on systemic funding of youth participation activities at local level.
- Association for culture and education PiNA (Slovenia, coordinator)
- Municipality of Ankaran (Slovenia)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Comune di Contessa Entellina (Italy)
- Pistes solidaires (France)
- City of Pau (France)
- Peace Education Institute (Finland)
- ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy (France)