Citizens Xelerator – For democratic and civic participation

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Upskilling Pathways for low-skilled adults to increase the employability, the inclusion and contribute to systemic change in regional/national/European approaches and strategies through participation and civic and democratic engagement.


Participation in democratic and civic life is seen as a drive to build an open, fair, balanced and just society. Besides being the key ingredient to promote inclusion and empowerment of people living in or at risk of exclusion, it is also seen as a fundamental right and responsibility of European citizens of all ages, backgrounds, educational levels and countries. For this reason, it is crucial to invest in initiatives aimed at strengthening the literacy, empowerment and opportunities for democratic and civic engagement of European citizens. 


  • To develop, test and disseminate models and resources for the assessment and development of personal, social and learning competences of low-skilled adults.
  • Create micro-learning sessions promoting financial, entrepreneurial, digital and sustainable literacy of low-skilled adults, through the dissemination of complementary European tools and projects.
  • Develop a pilot model and action kit for democratic and civic participation, encouraging its multiplication and integration at regional, national and European level.
  • To contribute to increasing employment and inclusion of NEETs and low-skilled adults through the learning of transversal skills, such as financial, social, digital, personal skills and the use of soft-skills tools.
  • Promoting innovative learning opportunities in the vocational training sector by developing skills maps to support job search.


  • Valuing and testing the potential of the European tool ‘LifeComp’: The European framework for personal, social and learning competences as a resource for promoting literacy and key competences of low-skilled adults.
  • Valuing and testing the potential of the European tool ‘EntreComp’: The framework for entrepreneurial skills.
  • Valorising and testing the potential of the European tool “DigComp”: The Digital Competence Framework 2.0.
  • Valorising and testing the potential of the European tool ‘GreenComp’: The European Competence Framework on Sustainability.



  • To improve the technical and transversal skills (including intercultural, social, entrepreneurial, language and IT skills) of low-skilled adults.
  • Involve 50 education professionals and practitioners from the partnership and mobilise approximately 2500 adults together with civil society organisations in the events and pilot actions to be promoted.
  • Strengthen the democratic and civic literacy and social empathy of low-skilled adults.
  • To contribute to a systemic change at regional/national/European level on strategies promoting adult participation in democratic life, embracing common values and civic engagement.


The project

Citizens Xelerator – For democratic and civic participation

Project number


Implementation date

01/12/2022 – 01/12/2024





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