Promotion of a new sustainable social entrepreneurial model and skillset for the Ecoprise Designer professional figure contributing to local regenerative development and a harmonious coexistence between human life and nature.
Higher Education and Research
ASSIST – heAlthcare incluSion of motherS wIth diSabiliTy
Tackling discrimination in the healthcare sector against mothers living with Disability in all phases of motherhood throughout the European Union.
STREAM IT – Streaming girls and women into steam education, innovation and research
Streaming girls and women into STEAM education, innovation and research.
FreeAc – Promoting Academic Freedom in Ukraine
Address Ukraine’s talent loss by enhancing collaboration with EU Higher Education institutions (HEIs), empowering Ukrainian academia for research, learning, teaching, and disseminating research results, thereby minimizing brain drain impacts.
INNO4Tourism – Innovative Curricula for Life-Long Learning of Sustainable Tourism Workforce
Promoting the alignment of skills with labor market needs in the hospitality and tourism sector in Thai and Laotian universities to enhance students employability through the establishment of University-Business Cooperation mechanisms and the development of innovative curricula on sustainable tourism.
coOPERATOR – Developing a Country-Observatory for sharing best practises for vaccination promotion
Understanding how COVID-19 vaccines are promoted and what leads to vaccination hesitancy across selected European countries and stakeholders. This information will be collected into a virtual observatory and training systems to guide policymaking.
ClearClimate – Engaging approaches and services for meaningful climate actions
ClearClimate aims to establish an international and interdisciplinary network, focusing on enhancing Climate Information Services (CIS) in south-eastern Europe and support people in interpreting and adapting to climate change.
MILEAGE – Mentorship development for quality practices in higher education
Improving the quality of support system for study placements within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and stimulating innovative study placements by establishing permanent collaboration with Career Centers and NGOs, while adopting a student-centered approach, prioritizing the needs of students.
EDUCATIONAL AID KITS – Educational Support Kits in the Field of Rare Diseases: Bringing the Reality of Rare Diseases to the VET Field
Training future medical professionals on the everyday realities of rare diseases in order to make medical education more accessible, inclusive, avoid possible risks and negligence, and open new paths to employability.
Uni4Equity – Strengthening Universities response to sexual harassment with an equity approach
Strengthen the capacity of universities to detect and respond to online and offline sexual harassment in the workplace and other relevant contexts (classrooms and digital spaces), with a special focus on minorities.
DIRASA – Définition d’un renouvellement de la gouvernance de la recherche en Tunisie
Contributing to the improvement of the university research governance in Tunisia by promoting dialogue and scientific cooperation between the actors of the Tunisian national research system.
JeS – Joint eStories: Journeys from Fear to Fair
Fostering human rights awareness in higher education and other educational sectors through true e-stories.
DEFA – Development of financial autonomy of universities in Kyrgyzstan
Implement a reform of the financial management systems of Kyrgyzstan universities that favors greater university autonomy, competitiveness and innovation.
RE.MA.C. – REinventing MAinstream Classrooms
Reinventing mainstream classrooms introducing intercultural education and new technologies to promote social inclusion for migrants in primary education.
SCIREARLY – Policies and Practices based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe
Contributing to reducing Early School Leaving amongst vulnerable groups devising and recommending policy measures built on educational actions that have evidence of social impact with replicability and scalability in Europe.