- To develop a model of digital skills vocational training course for persons working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas, so they can learn to assess and implement the best practices and technologies for their work;
- To design and deploy an innovative upskilling pathway addressed to persons involved in agri-food sector and living in rural areas;
- To foster the development of digital skills and competences among persons working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas by proposing innovative flexible learning opportunities in different settings (face to face, blended and online);
- To promote EUROPAS as a tool for participants to document their skills and experience
- To Develop a digital repository of Open Educational Resources for digital skills development the meet the specific needs of persons working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas – To support VET teachers and trainers to develop and use their own resources by proposing a model of using learning scenarios;
- To reduce the digital gap in rural areas in Europe through non-formal and informal education;
- To promote lifelong learning in rural areas as a tool for socio-economic development.
- Open Educational Resources for digital skills development for people working in the agri-food sector will be tested with a selected number of users to receive feedback;
- All partners will pilot use the online tool with at least 100 learners, and 2 VET trainers from each partner will be involved (10 in total);
- The MOOC will be promoted at events in each country involving at least 150 participants.
- Open Educational Resources for digital skills development for people working in the agri-food sector;
- Online self-assessment of digital skills that provide personalized learning pathways;
- Learning scenarios for digital skills in the agri-food sector;
- Flexible and modular MOOC that will allow people working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas to adapt their learning pathways as they go along, to suit their interests and abilities.
- Newsletters
- People working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas will improve their digital competences and skill, have an increased awareness of their potential and an improved self-confidence through personalized upskilling paths and increase their social network within and without their community.
- People working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas will have access to new opportunities for their upskilling, especially targeted towards digital skills.
- Participating organisations to the project will increase their understanding of the people working in agri-food sector and living in rural areas and theirspecific learning needs and challenges.
- Pontydysgu SL (Spain)
- Stowarzyszenie SEDA (Poland)
- CESIE (Italy)