To increase the employability and skills of young NEET from Madrid, through a work period in Palermo.
Mobility Initiatives
ALMA Gijon – The Youth Activation Agency INCORPORATES European mobility
To increase the competences of young NEETs (young people who are not working and not in education) from northern Spain in order to improve their employability.
GROUND – Green re(connection) in urban districts
Increasing the competences of youth workers in nature-based environmental education, with the aim to promote active participation, inclusion, youth empowerment and engagement of young people coming from disadvantaged urban areas.
ESTELLA – Environmental awareness in Schools Through ExperientiaL LeArning
Supporting and enhancing teachers’ and school leaders’ competencies in promoting environmental awareness to secondary school students through the use of experiential learning methodologies.
Beyond Erasmus+
Evaluating and measuring the impact of the 2014-2020 Erasmus+ program on youth workers and youth organizations involved in projects within this framework, as well as proposing improvements drawn from the results. Objectives To improve key competences of youth workers...
CRETHINK – Co-creative RETHINKing for sustainable cities
Objectives To foster inclusion and strengthen active citizenship through increased participation in co-creative processes for sustainable development at the local level.To raise awareness about the concept of sustainability, contributing to the implementation of the...
YU WOK 2 END HT – Youth Workers Key to end Human Trafficking
Equipping youth workers with the competences and skills required to identify and support young victims of trafficking through the development of tailored training activities and online learning tools.
IC4LOP – International Citizens for Local Perspectives
Objectives To promote civic participation and to combat social exclusion by linking young migrants with young Europeans who have volunteered in the global southTo build in young participants common social, civic and intercultural competencies and skillsTo reinforce...
INCAS – INcreasing impaCt in internAtional work placementS
Objectives To provide services that improve the quality of international work placement;To solidify and expand the infrastructure which support quality in international work placement in second chance education (SCE);To provide useful tools and services to support...
Youth Workers+: Online Training Courses for E+ Youth Workers
Objectives To achieve relevant and high-quality skills and competencies for youth workers through innovative approaches with ETS model of competencies, intercultural – virtual – community of 4 non-formal networks of learning and innovative interconnection between the...
Volunteer Validation – An investment in own profession future
Objectives To increase awareness among young people of the benefits for their personal development by providing voluntary service and enhance their skills to promote to employers and other stakeholders their strengths and knowledge acquired during informal learning.To...
COPE – Connection Opportunities for People in Europe
Objectives To promote European Union values, diversity, social inclusion, inter-cultural and social dialogue.To fight against long-term work, education and training inactivity as it is one of the suicide, depression, mental health causes and provide solutions.To...
MPV – Moving People in Volunteering
Objectives To share and further explore practices for volunteers’ management at the local and international level through non-formal learning and active participation approachesTo promote young people’s social inclusion and stimulate their active participation in...
STARTUP – Start, run and grow your business
Objectives To enhance entrepreneurship, develop the international outlook and the competitiveness of European SMESTo foster start-up entrepreneurs and newly-established micro and small enterprises by creating transnational networks and thus exchange of experience and...
YALLA – Youth Abroad Linking LAnds
Objectives To empower young people from MEDA countries providing them with both professional and personal skills through a meaningful experience abroad.To promote equal opportunities to reduce unemployment and escape the social exclusion process of marginalized...