COPE – Connection Opportunities for People in Europe

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  • To promote European Union values, diversity, social inclusion, inter-cultural and social dialogue.
  • To fight against long-term work, education and training inactivity as it is one of the suicide, depression, mental health causes and provide solutions.
  • To connect Youth in Europe to Erasmus+ beneficiaries to exchange good practices, discuss opportunities.
  • To increase youth participation at community level increasing employability and social skills.
  • To connect youth with job centres and Erasmus+ sending/hosting organisations.
  • To motivate youth to take part in a mobility project and thus decrease fears related to mobility.


  • Creating of an online platform gathering all the created tools and providing opportunity to connect and exchange good practices, advice, practical information, as well to develop their own network and to keep in touch with people after their mobility project.
  • Promoting EU and European and international mobility grants – making EU and mobility understandable to all * Developing a guide helping youth in their project preparation: explain practical information (e.g. how to get a European Health Insurance Card), the life cycle of a mobility project and provide a list with links and free online materials (grammar, books, videos, vocabulary) helping the youth to improve their language skills.
  • Making available Online training materials to enhance soft skills and support acquisition (documents, links that people can use to prepare themselves before the departure).


  • COPE Online Platform for Youth – OPY
  • Mobility Manual: a guide preparing for a mobility project.
  • COPE Training Kit: to increase basic soft skills and employability skills, transferable in any work place.
  • Multipliers events in each participating country.


The project

COPE – Connection Opportunities for People in Europe

Project number

Implementation date

01/07/2016 – 30/06/2018


DG EAC, Education and Training, Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnership in the field of YOUTH



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