Reinventing mainstream classrooms introducing intercultural education and new technologies to promote social inclusion for migrants in primary education.

Reinventing mainstream classrooms introducing intercultural education and new technologies to promote social inclusion for migrants in primary education.
Contributing to reducing Early School Leaving amongst vulnerable groups devising and recommending policy measures built on educational actions that have evidence of social impact with replicability and scalability in Europe.
Provide training opportunities for university students, agricultural consultants and farmers to facilitate the transition to the bioeconomy in the agricultural sector and help revitalize rural areas in the EU.
Developing the soft & missing skillset of future engineers, which are not just technicians but also innovators, taking account of the transdisciplinary perspective and with the incentive of solving real-life problems from multiple perspectives.
Objectives Focusing the attention on the social dimension of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), the STATUS project opens up possibilities for introduction of innovative approaches in education practices needed to level up governance and curriculum delivery, open...
To improve the awareness of citizens and young people on the social, economic and environmental implications of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) at national and European level.
iLikeIT2 aims to revolutionize collaborative learning by developing a user-friendly online application, integrating educational technology and collaborative work, enabling teachers to easily connect and engage students in randomized groups for anonymous, written...
Establishing SMART E-Learning platforms and innovative teaching methods to enable inclusive education, bridging financial and geographic gaps for students, including those with disabilities, to attend lectures remotely. Context The project seeks to establish modern...
Improve the performance of Higher Education Institutions and their international relations offices in participating in European funding programmes, in particular the Erasmus+ Programme, and in managing approved projects.
Objectives To promote diversity and the inclusion of children with disabilities in recreational environments through training of students of Education and Sports Sciences;To promote the importance of play for children and provide students of Education and Sports...
Objectives To promote the construction of meaningful, shareable exhibits of female role models as a means for encouraging girls and women to remain active in STEM.To develop a community of mentors and mentees in order to engage learning, supporting and helping women...
Objective To establish and sustain effective Industry cooperating with University Centres of e-health Innovations (ICU) at some partner universities in Lebanon and EgyptTo develop a web platform based on Knowledge Triangle, innovation approach to develop and...
Strengthening international, intercultural and global dimension via Internalisation at Home (IaH) implementation at HEIs in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo in order to enhance the quality of education and to make a meaningful contribution to the society.
The project aims at introducing handicraft traditional techniques and design procedures to Jordanian and Syrian universities in order to preserve their handicraft cultural heritage.
Objectives Overcoming the gap between educational offers and the increasing European need of rehabilitation specialists by defining the new professional profile of “Expert in rehabilitation”.Creating homogeneous curricula for the new profession in the sector of...