DIRASA – Définition d’un renouvellement de la gouvernance de la recherche en Tunisie

Home » Projects » Capacity building » DIRASA – Définition d’un renouvellement de la gouvernance de la recherche en Tunisie

Contributing to the improvement of the university research governance in Tunisia by promoting dialogue and scientific cooperation between the actors of the Tunisian national research system.


DIRASA aims to strengthen the capacities of strategic monitoring and scientific foresight process through the improvement of the skills of university staff, by enhancing the visibility of university research and by developing interactions between research and the socio-economic environment. DIRASA highlight the new technologies in higher education that are needed for the development of the higher education sector and for its links with society through the creation of a Network at a national level where universities, research units and laboratories, research centres work together to apply the research products into the local context.


  • To improve the governance of research by strengthening the capacity of the different actors to address national research priorities.
  • To improve the skills of university staff in research management and quality assurance as well as in international research cooperation.
  • To promote coordination between all stakeholders involved in research management for a better valorisation of research results.
  • To develop interactions between research and the socio-economic environment.


  • Research, data collection and benchmarking of EU and Tunisian experiences on governance research.
  • Local training workshops for administrative and academic staff and PhD students.
  • Thematic training on European research projects.
  • Field visits and exchange of best practices in European partner universities.
  • Training week to improve the visibility of Tunisian research and connection with the socio-economic world.
  • Organisation of a workshop with all stakeholders from research and society for the future of Tunisian research.



  • University staff trained in local training workshops
  • University staff trained during thematic training on European research projects
  • University staff trained during field visits in European partner universities
  • Strategic intelligence and performance committees created
  • Constitution of 6 national thematic research networks (Scientific Interest Groups)
  • Constitution of a Tunisian network of national coordination between universities, research centres, laboratories and pilot research units


The project

DIRASA – Définition d’un renouvellement de la gouvernance de la recherche en Tunisie

Project number


Implementation date

01/02/2023 – 31/01/2026


European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Erasmus+, Capacity Building in Higher Education, Strand 3 – Structural reform projects



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