Reinventing mainstream classrooms introducing intercultural education and new technologies to promote social inclusion for migrants in primary education.
Throughout this project we aim to tackle the challenges and difficulties – language – mainstream teachers face trying to address students’ diversified needs and interests. It is indeed striking that while student diversity increases across Europe, equity is education is no longer guaranteed “by just offering the same teaching and teaching structure to all young people” (World Bank Report on the European Union, 2018). RE.MA.C. aims to address the teaching, learning, cognitive and social needs of a rather demanding educational context, the mainstream multilingual and multicultural classroom, providing equal opportunities for all, using an innovating online methodology.
- Developing and implementing online interactive material based on the teaching and learning needs of both mainstream language teachers and migrant students using the MILAGE learn+ platform and app.
- Train mainstream language teachers in teaching SL (Second Language) in mainstream classrooms using the project’s app and platform.
- Developing and implementing cross-cultural material, and eventually implementing cross-cultural and social literacy tools across the curriculum by using the platform and app.
- Training mainstream primary teachers using the dynamic project’s online platform in mainstream primary classrooms.
- Designing, development, upload of 1400 SL tasks in 4 different languages (Italian, Greek, Maltese, and Portuguese) for 8-12-year-old students from A1 to B1 language proficiency levels.
- Designing and development of training materials for teaching and learning a SL in mainstream classrooms using technology and digital tools.
- 8 events for mainstream language teachers in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Portugal.
- Launch of 400 cross-cultural learning tasks in 4 languages for 8-12-year-old students from A1 to B1 language proficiency levels on the App and Platform
- Design and development of training material for cross-cultural education, organized in 4 events for mainstream teachers in all the countries.
- Address migrant students’ language and cross-cultural learning needs inside mainstream classrooms.
- Foster teachers and students’ need to develop digital competences and transversal skills.
- Extend and reinforce the sustainability of all priorities presented above with the dissemination of project results, e-booklet, forums, and other dissemination events.
- Decrease socially stratified school’s systems and educational inequalities.
- Integrate migrant students to mainstream education as early as possible.
- Prevent underachievement among migrant students and social exclusion by fostering intercultural dialogue.
- Frederick University (Cyprus, coordinator)
- Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD – CARDET (Cyprus)
- Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis (Greece)
- Universidade do Algarve (Portugal)
- Solidarity and Overseas Service Malta – SOS MALTA (Malta)
- CESIE (Italy)