Supporting the empowerment of African communities in Greece, Italy, and Spain through research and awareness initiatives, aiming to enhance their inclusion and civic participation.

Supporting the empowerment of African communities in Greece, Italy, and Spain through research and awareness initiatives, aiming to enhance their inclusion and civic participation.
Reinventing mainstream classrooms introducing intercultural education and new technologies to promote social inclusion for migrants in primary education.
Promoting the social and emotional development of Migrant, Refugee and Displaced Children (MRDC) through culturally sensitive, school-based interventions designed to deal with the negative effects of psychosocial trauma.
Raising awareness and provide vocational training for professionals working with refugees and migrants, on matters related to medicine and intercultural communication.
Tackling Under-Reporting and Under-Recording of episodes of intolerance against Muslim women by developing a participatory dialogue between representatives of LEAs, local authorities, CSOs organizations and community leaders.
A way to unite the voices, knowledge and experiences of teachers, educational staff, pupils and parents and cultivate a safe space by combating marginalisation and discriminatory behaviour.
Objectives Strengthening, experimenting and evaluating innovative paths of autonomy in the transition to the age of majority through a path of social inclusion, training, orientation and job placement for unaccompanied migrant minors welcomed.Defining and promoting of...
Objectives To disseminate and scale up good practices to foster the inclusion of newly arrived migrant children in the formal educational system in Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Spain and in the European Union; To allow schools to assess knowledge and validating...
Objectives To create a support system to ensure that newly-arrived children of third-country national background get a smooth transition to quality education; To provide teachers in EU countries’ education systems with tools and resources to enable and empower them to...
Objectives Promote social inclusion and global citizenship by ensuring equality and intercultural dialogue at school.Promote innovative educational methods and practices to foster social inclusion and global citizenship education.Experiment new educational...
Objectives Building a social network, composed also by representatives of the local communities;Introducing migrants to the new socio-economic context through propaedeutic activities to the entry into the labour market;Building empathy and trust between newcomers and...
Promoting migrant inclusion through environmental awareness and the development of eco-friendly educational materials for adult trainers.
Objectives To contribute to young migrants’ and refugees’ integration into European societies by promoting positive images of their cultures and identities;To help young migrants/refugees in becoming aware of their skills and knowledge, and in defining their fields of...
Objectives To build resilient practices and cultures within Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to address the psychosocial support needs of staff and volunteers involved in immigrant reception and inclusion processes;To encourage peer-learning approaches that will...
Objectives To equip youth workers with competences and methods to better work with young people enhancing media literacy, critical thinking, e-participation and preventing violent radicalizationTo counteract the spread of fake news and disinformation by fostering...