- Strengthening, experimenting and evaluating innovative paths of autonomy in the transition to the age of majority through a path of social inclusion, training, orientation and job placement for unaccompanied migrant minors welcomed.
- Defining and promoting of the innovative and participatory model through the creation of tools, the development of skills of teachers, operators, managers of host communities, and foster families, as well as through the creation of a public-private collaboration space.
- Validating the innovative and participatory model putting the model into practice, with the involvement of 150 minors/newly turned adult and the involvement of operators, educators and community leaders.
- Training for peer-to-peer counselors and cultural and linguistic facilitators
- Definition of a toolkit to guide young immigrants
- National research on foster care of unaccompanied migrant minors
- Pathways for the emergence and development of skills in foster care
- Training of social workers, educators and community leaders in Palermo
- Awareness of the “world of youth and schools”
- Laboratory Paths
- Training for CPIA teachers
- Raising awareness of the world of work
- Curricular internships and first level orientation
- Legal guidance for reception system operators
- Toolkit to guide young immigrants
- National research on the fostering of unaccompanied migrant minors
- Guidelines on skills in the foster care of unaccompanied migrant minors
- Practical guide for social workers
- Systematization and validation of innovative tools: 20 newly 18-22 years of age; 23-27
- Awareness and communication: 20 public service operators
- Social folder: 20 operators of public and private social services
- Competence development in society: 30 public service operators, 1502 unaccompanied foreign minors and new adults, males (90%) and females (10%), ages 15-17, 18-22
- Skills development in the world of work: 50 public service operators (CPIA teachers), 30 unaccompanied foreign minors, males (90%) and females (10%), ages 15-17, 18-22
- Skills development in the family: 10 unaccompanied foreign minors, males (90%) and females (10%), ages 0-14, 15-17
- Development of legal skills: 40 reception service operators