- To build resilient practices and cultures within Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to address the psychosocial support needs of staff and volunteers involved in immigrant reception and inclusion processes;
- To encourage peer-learning approaches that will help to mainstream self-care into organisational responses;
- To foster organisational competence to combat vicarious trauma & burnout;
- To deepen social and political engagement;
- To strengthen practice around supporting immigrant communities
- Researching and producing tailored resources and training courses that respond to the specific needs of people working in the EU with immigrant communities;
- Offering local trainings on reinforcement of resilience mechanisms in CSOs, informal groups and individuals;
- Developing collective strategies to address racism, xenophobia and fears related to diversity;
- Providing practical psychosocial supports for practitioners engaging directly with immigrant communities
- Research to document good practices and knowledge gaps in psychosocial supports for practitioners in humanitarian;
- A training of trainers’ manual that will focus on structural, collective and personal dimensions of building psychosocial resilience;
- A learning journal & associated online peer learning circles that encourage peer educators to cultivate reflexive practice;
- Two learning activities that will encourage the exchange of knowledge and reinforcement of skills on resilience
- Coordinator: Comhlámh (Ireland)
- CESIE (Italy)
- ACTIONAID (Greece)
- Col·lectiu Eco-Actiu (Spain)