SCIREARLY – Policies and Practices based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe

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Contributing to reducing Early School Leaving amongst vulnerable groups devising and recommending policy measures built on educational actions that have evidence of social impact with replicability and scalability in Europe.


Quality education for all is one of the EU’s top priorities and one of the main targets for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of the EU-funded SCIREARLY project is to investigate the successful actions that mitigate the dropout phenomenon in relation to student socioeconomic status and background. Via an interdisciplinary approach, the project will assess the impact of high-quality early childhood education on learning outcomes and determine its connection with students belonging to vulnerable populations.

SCIREARLY will identify successful practices and policies to enhance the quality of early childhood, primary and secondary education and reduce educational underachievement. Project results will help shape optimal learning conditions and environments, with significant impacts on future outcomes for students and society in general.


  • To examine the determinants, including the influence of high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) in learning outcomes
  • To measure and verify the impact of these determinants on vulnerable groups, identifying successful pathways to overcome it
  • To map and replicate most successful practices in addressing low achievement in basic skills
  • To develop a framework and an instrument for diagnosis and enhancing the quality of ECEC to leverage quality learning outcomes for primary and secondary pupils
  • To analyse and propose transferable and scalable political measures that have proven to reduce


  • Multidisciplinary systematic review to analyse the social determinants of underachievement and school dropout
  • Analysis of early childhood education and care (ECEC) effective programmes and of ‘successful learning environments’ in reducing underachievement
  • Implementation (transference) of successful learning environments
  • Co-creation of successful policies, recommendations and of a framework to address underachievement
  • Creation of a community of practice for Student Support



  • More policies in education based on scientific research and evidence.
  • Higher levels of achievement in basic skills, digital skills and transversal skills development.
  • Reduced inequalities in educational outcomes for vulnerable students.
  • Raising awareness among end-users by involving them in the co-creation process.


The project

SCIREARLY – Policies and Practices based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe

Project number


Implementation date

01/11/2022 – 31/10/2025


Horizon Europe Framework Programme
Call: Inclusiveness in times of change (HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01)
Type of action: HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions



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