Educational drop out

CVE – Corporate Volunteering – The Corporate Volunteering as a bridge between the world of work and the world of schools

CVE – Corporate Volunteering – The Corporate Volunteering as a bridge between the world of work and the world of schools

Objectives To develop a coordinated approach towards training trainers in the field of opportunities and ways of the cooperation between the schools and the world of the work, especially by Corporate VolunteeringTo develop and use innovative concepts and practices for...

Legali per volare

Legali per volare

Legali per volare

[su_tabs active=”1″ vertical=”yes”]What does it support [su_tab title=”Objectives”]

  • To develop policies against school drop-out
  • To develop mathematical and linguistic competences of the students with high risk of social vulnerability
  • To Experiment models of integrated intervention
  • To improve of the methodologicalandoperational teachers’ competences
  • Policy against social exclusion


[su_tab title=”Activities”]

  • Trainings for teachers and experts in the field of education
  • Activities for kindergarten (reading aloud, inventing stories, construction of animated books, etc..)
  • Stories about the history of the antimafia culture
  • Mathematical games
  • Dramatizations


[su_tab title=”Partners”]

  • Didattica F. Ferrara
  • Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele II
  • I.C.S. Madre Teresa di Calcutta


[su_tab title=”Info & contacts”]

Institution of reference: Region of Sicily, Regional Department of Education – Educational Actions and of promotion of active citizenship and legality. Operational Programme for Convergence objective 2007/2013, European Social Fund, the Sicilian Region. Axis IV – Human Capital.

Date of project 2010 – 2011



