CHIMES – Audio-video journal

Monday 13 February 2023

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The CHIMES project, through the use of a non-formal learning approach and the creative arts, considered as a vehicle to foster the re-engagement & inclusion of young people in education and training and in the labour market, aims to support them in their transition from social exclusion to social inclusion and to valorise the performing and creative arts by considering them not only as a source of entertainment, but above all as a means to develop and show new skills.

By offering creative workshops led by professionals in the art sector, the project aims at developing soft skills that are fundamental for promoting the well-being, employability and social inclusion of the young participants in the project partner countries. The educational journey of the young participants was told through a collection of videos of the creative workshops that took place in the UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Romania and summarised in a unique Audio-Video Journal documenting their experience within the project. Watch the video and discover the journey they have been on during the CHIMES project.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

DG di riferimento

EACEA Erasmus+ Key Action 227 – Partnership for Creativity



Il progetto

CHIMES – Competences, Citizenship and Inclusion through Music and Movement Education Solutions

Scheda progetto




Young people, educators in the field of instruction and professionals in the cultural and creative sectors

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