Inclusive+ Competence Assessment Cards for Low-skilled Adults

Friday 31 January 2020

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Inclusive+ Competence Assessment Cards for Low-skilled Adults


The cards have been created to help intermediary professionals identify their clients’ competences as a first step for a tailored, more empathic and efficient approach to recruiting and counselling. To meet this objective, two sets of cards have been developed, one for adults and one for guidance professionals. Through pictures, simple descriptions of the competences and realistic scenarios, the adult users will be supported in the self-assessment of their skills. On the other side, the set for guidance professionals, enriched with questions based on the STAR interview technique, will help them to save time and be as close as possible to reality when assessing their clients’ competences.

The tool has been developed in order to support career advisors, guidance professionals and recruiters in their daily work with low-skilled adults. Therefore, it has been created based on interviews conducted with these stakeholders, taking into account the challenges they face while working with their clients. Then, the cards have been tested by the professionals and their evaluation has been used in order to make the cards even more tailored to their needs.



  • vocational training
  • adults
  • skills & competencies
  • employment


Professionals working with low-skilled adults (career advisors, guidance professionals and recruiters)

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DG di riferimento

DG EAC, Erasmus+, Azione Chiave 2: Cooperazione per l’innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche – Partenariato Strategico nel ambito dell’educazione degli adulti

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