The RELIEF e-learning platform is designed to provide educational resources and specific courses on bioeconomy in agriculture to students, agronomists and farmers.
EUNITE! – Citizens’ recommendations to the representatives of the European Union
New trends in citizens’ participation within the eu è il risultato degli eventi conclusivi di eunite a bruxelles. Durante il training e la conferenza, i partecipanti si sono interrogati sul rapporto tra cittadinanza attiva e diritti.
Citizens Xelerator – Model and kit
Citizens Xelerator provides a model and kit to help adults with literacy needs improve their skills and promote civic engagement. Through Action Labs, resources will guide the development of local solutions to address social and sustainability challenges.
XXI–EU-TEACH – 21st Century European Teachers: E-book
The e-book 21st Century European Teachers collects case studies that illustrate how to transform teaching in response to major societal challenges, such as climate change and digital advances.
SAFE – Learning and Information Hub
SAFE Learning and Information Hub The SAFE Learning and Information Hub serves as a free online learning platform as well as an information repository and networking tool for senior learners and the adult educators working with them.
Road To Freedom – Handbook and Curriculum
The Curriculum and the Manual are two of the main outcomes of the Road To Freedom project. Inspired by the Norwegian FROG Leadership & Life Mastery methodology developed by the organization lyk-z & daughters, the Manual aims to explain and guide trainers in the implementation of this methodology.
Road To Freedom – Platform
The “Road To Freedom” E-learning Platform is one of the main outcomes of the project of the same name.
Teachers 4.0 – Newsletter
In this section you can find the TEACHERS 4.0 newsletters: you will find all the information on the progress of the project and the activities that the partners will carry out, step by step.
DIBS – Online Training Platform
It is an open education resource offering training for people with migrant background wishing to develop and/or strenghten their management, soft and digital skills which are key elements in the field of entrepreneurship.
ILCES – E-learning platform for intergenerational learning groups
The platform will provide trainers and adult learners with information, tools and resources to support the delivery and management of education by introducing a methodology that assesses the learning of “green” skills.
ILCES – Recommendations and guidelines for forward-looking community learning centres
The document contains a set of recommendations for adult education centers useful for incorporating sustainability principles into all areas of their activities.
ILCES – Impulse handbook for intergenerational learning
The manual provides learners with a broader understanding of the issues concerning environmental sustainability
Creation POP – Newsletter
Download the Creation POP newsletters for all the latest developments on the project. The Creation POP project is dedicated to enhancing the social inclusion of older adults by using intergenerational creative arts, particularly theatre-based activities.
RestART – Policy Recommendations
This video, developed within the RestART project, contains recommendations addressed to EU policymakers, highlighting the specific and common challenges and needs of the cultural and creative sector (CCS) in Europe.
RestART – Good Practices
This selection of good practices brings together exemplary initiatives in the field of vocational education & training that use digital tools for their work in the cultural and creative sector and that serve as practical parameters and sources of inspiration that can be replicated in other countries.