
HEAL – European Anthology of best practices and future recommendations

HEAL – European Anthology of best practices and future recommendations

The European Anthology of good practices and future recommendations summarises the good practices and challenges as emerged from the needs assessment with third-country-national women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation and the results of local and transnational networking with support service providers and employers

Active Businesses – Research on the state of HEPA promotion in enterprises

NE(W)AVE Newsletter

These six newsletters sent during the project 3-year lifetime provide information about the different stages of the project implementation, its scope, objectives and the results reached by the partnership.

HEAL: Report on Needs of women victims of trafficking, service providers, employers

HEAL: Report on Needs of women victims of trafficking, service providers, employers

The current report presents the national situations of the profiles and perceived needs of third-country national women victims of trafficking, support service providers and employers, as well as the rights, available services women can benefit from and employability services in Italy, Greece, Romania and Spain.

NE(W)AVE: E-Toolkit for VET Trainers

NE(W)AVE: E-Toolkit for VET Trainers

The E-Toolkit for VET Trainers is an important tool for VET trainers and providers who wish to use the Open Online Course (OOC) for VET learners in their own institutions in a way that promotes the methodology and contents developed by the NE(W)AVE project.