SSaMs – Learning Materials
The SSaMs Learning Materials support the learning process of undergraduate sports students providing, for each of the six sessions of the module, basic concepts and supporting materials on how implement mentoring strategies with boys and young men.
The SSaMs programme provides a clear context and rationale for mentoring work with young males, before moving onto explore mentoring and Positive Youth Development methodology, the role of the mentor, qualities, tasks, boundary setting and safeguarding, life skills, setting goals and outcomes. The resources also explore young males’ mental health and the work of the mentor in reinforcing positive mental health through building resilience.
Education and Training, Gender and Sexuality, Youth
Social inclusion
Higher education
Gender and sexuality
Sports students, disadvantaged boys and young men, sports lecturers, teachers, trainers
Info & contacts
SSaMs – Training Sports Students as Mentors to Improve the Educational Attainment of Boys and Young Men
DG of reference
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