Methodological and pedagogical study
This research includes the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data related to the use of the Authentic Inquiry with educators and young people. The quantitative data was collected through an online self-report pre and post survey, which analyzed the development of the learner’s learning potential in 8 dimensions: Mindful Agency, Sense Making, Creativity, Curiosity, Belonging, Collaboration, Hope and Optimism, Orientation to Learning. The qualitative data was collected through interviews conducted with both educators and young people after the completion of the Authentic Inquiry process and looked at the impact of the methodology on the learners’ engagement in education as well as on the educators’ pedagogy.
The Authentic Inquiry is an innovative educational methodology that aims to connect the personal, authentic interest and experience of the learner with formal education. This is done through an 8-step process that takes the learners’ interest through their own narratives and stories (personal) and navigates it towards the production of an ‘artefact’ such as a piece of art, poster or other product that has some external educational value (public). In so doing, a connection between the personal and the public is developed.
Here you can find:
– Quantitative analysis of learning power data: report with analysis of data related to young people’s answers to the pre and post self-report questionnaire
– Quantitative analysis on educators learning power data: report with analysis of data related to educators’ answers to the pre and post self-report questionnaire
– Abstract of Renyo Research Paper : the abstract of the final project research paper that includes an analysis of both the qualitative and the quantitative data collected.