ABC – Survey for Students and School Staff

Tuesday 5 May 2020

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ABC – Survey for Students and School Staff

Research Survey

The European Anti-Bullying Network (EAN) has developed two surveys on anti-bullying and the prosocial behaviour: one for the students and one for the school staff.

The student survey has 20 questions and takes students about 45 minutes to complete. Most questions are taken from existing international research on school bulling and the question batteries have been tested and found reliable in measuring what they are supposed to monitor. The questions are about:

  1. their self-image and sense of empowerment
  2. 23 forms of negative behavior, including online behavior
  3. how often they experienced such things and if they found this unpleasant
  4. if they did unpleasant things themselves
  5. how often they were helped and by whom
  6. the reasons for being unpleasant in school (diversity on looks, skills, nationality, culture, religion, gender, gay/lesbian, gender non-conformity, status of parents, and other reasons)
  7. dominant emotion felt while being in school
  8. Level of safety, where and why

The staff survey has 25 questions and also about 45 minutes to complete. We wanted to ask teachers similar questions to tot students in order to compare the two views. From research (and our own experiences in this project) we know that teachers often don’t notice incidents or pattern of bulling, or they see such behavior with different eyes than students.

The questions are about:

  1. to what extent teacher perceive 23 forms of behavior as unpleasant
  2. if there is a common understanding of this in the team
  3. how staff perceives unpleasant behavior online
  4. how the previous issues impact on school safety
  5. staff views of victim profiles (diversity on looks, skills, nationality, culture, religion, gender, gay/lesbian, gender non-conformity, status of parents, and other reasons)
  6. self-assessment of antibullying competences
  7. type of measures staff take to counter bullying
  8. opinion on need and reliability of student participation in school safety
  9. what staff thinks is the dominant emotion of students in school
  10. assessment of level of safety of students, where and why
  11. how staff supports students in antibullying
  12. cooperation with parents



  • Metodologie;
  • inclusione sociale
  • dialogo interculturale


Students, Teachers, School staff

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