This document contain policy recommendations as a result of the work conducted by the sCAN partners during two years of the project.

This document contain policy recommendations as a result of the work conducted by the sCAN partners during two years of the project.
This document contains a series of analytical papers on country-specific trends, reports, specific hate phenomena and types.
In this Hate Ontology, sCAN partners and members of the International Network Against Cyber Hate have researched the concepts and keywords that can signpost potential hate content on the Internet.
OER Town, aims to give migrants, asylum seeker and refugees the chance to take their learning into their own hands and explore their surroundings, their learning becomes self-determined and…
Contains case studies from all partner countries detailing the approaches and processes adopted for an inclusive, diverse and equal youth work practice.
Comparative report on training needs analysis for coaches and sport clubs in relation of social inclusion of children from disadvantaged target groups
[su_heading size="20"]SERCo - Mapping Social Entrepreneurship - National Report[/su_heading] SERCo approach intends to show the importance of developing social economy initiatives to improve the economic situation of Roma communities. In fact, Roma’s history has been...
[su_heading size="20"]FETE - Guide for Mentors of Young Migrants[/su_heading] A guide for mentors engaged in the professional inclusion of young Third Country Nationals in Europe Target: Youth workers, mentors, local community [su_button...
[su_heading size="20"]FETE - Inclusion for Change[/su_heading] An overview of migration policies, and young immigrant inclusion strategies in the European Labour Market Target: Youth workers, mentors, local community [su_button...
Manual "MULTICOLORED PAGES" is a guide addressed to all migrants and refugees living in Palermo, as well as to organisations, support centres and institutions working towards a suitable welcome and integration process. It is designed for those who, due to language...
Guide This practical guide resulted from a learning partnership and is a tool that could be of use for institutions working with migrants and minorities. The collected results and experiences can so be spread within the European Union. In addition to the exemplary...
Handbook This document attempts to reflect two years of exchanges of visits and discussions between 6 partners from 5 countries - France, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Romania. Starting from a "European Report" published by FEANTSA (the European Federation of National...
Book of stories Destruction of homes and dreams, Jerusalemite women tell their stories of demolition displacement and eviction. The stories of the women in this book reflect a real pain resulting from the ongoing violations of basic human rights perpetuated by the...
Report Report on National Migration Policies and its Impacts on the Situation of Members of Minorities in the Partner Countries. Download the report - EN
Comparative Report Comparative Report on the Impacts of Migration on the Educational Setting and the Possibilities that Guarantee Equal Educational Opportunities for Children with and without Migration Background (Summary of the National Findings) The aim of the...