In the context of Europe’s efforts to integrate TCNs in the economic life of their host countries, this course aims to improve TCN’s knowledge of the host country language in the field of economics and finance. The course addresses TCNs who have been residing in the host country for at least 3 years and have a B1-B2 level knowledge of the host country language. As this course is directly related to the Financial Literacy course that will follow, its further aim is to prepare TCNs for their potential integration into the business community of their host country, giving them access to a broad range of texts that would enable them to understand the language of relevant services, so that they can use them at a later stage. Moreover, it will offer guidance and tools for the TCNs to carry out the necessary tasks (writing business emails, preparing for job interviews, writing a CV), so that they better prepared for the business world and/or the labour market. This course is, therefore, a necessary step toward their full integration into the host country’s economic life.