Sei impegnatǝ nella tutela delle persone di minore età non accompagnate? Vorresti migliorare le tue conoscenze e competenze nel settore e far parte di una rete nazionale e internazionale di espertɜ? Stiamo cercando te, professionista della migrazione e della tutela di persone di minore età straniere non accompagnate. Partecipa al workshop gratuito internazionale GUIDE. Candidati entro giovedì 22 agosto 2024.
EU+Map – Handbook for teachers
Trainers’ Multilingual Toolkit is composed by an interactive learning space for language trainers and people with migration background.
DIBS – Online Training Platform
It is an open education resource offering training for people with migrant background wishing to develop and/or strenghten their management, soft and digital skills which are key elements in the field of entrepreneurship.
Raise – AI Assessment & Coaching Framework
Visit the Raise e-learning platform that provides skills to structure workshops for youth with migrant backgrounds.
Raise – AI assessment & coaching tool
The AI Assessment & Coaching tool is a continuation of the e-VELP project. The tool uses cutting-edge AI technology in an individualized approach tailored to the needs of young refugees/migrants.
In&In Education – Journeys of Education: video on educational testimonies from migrant referents
The educational resource “Educational Pathways: video testimonies on the educational paths of people with migrant backgrounds” is a guide directed to teachers and educators.
In&In Education – Mapping: strategies and resources for socio-educational inclusion of students of migrant origin – Sicilia
This mapping brings together a set of educational measures and resources that serve both school management teams and teachers, students, and families.
SAFE HUT – Press release
The first press release foregrounds the SafeHut initiative’s goal of creating safe spaces for women and girls (WGSS) as a vital strategy for the protection and empowerment of women and girls who are victims or survivors of trafficking.
YEA – Guidelines of the inclusive co-creative process for target groups involved
These guidelines are the result of the perspectives of young people and socioeducational staff on the skills and experiences of participation in the area.
SAFE HUT – Newsletter
Safe Hut’s newsletter presents the project’s goals and next steps with respect to the empowerment of third-country women and girls exposed to trafficking.
WINGS – Conference Paper for survivor-centred integration support
In this document the main outcomes of the Conference of WINGS are presented. The Conference represented a unique opportunity for employers, experts from the anti-trafficking field, representatives of civil society organizations and policy makers to exchange good practices.
In&In Education – Teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin
The course Teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin through intersectional approach overall aims to strengthen the teachers’ knowledge on the educational inclusion of students at pre-school, primary and secondary school stages, focusing on the needs of girls and boys with migrant origin, and paying special attention to educational transitions and early school leaving.
CIVILHOOD – Handbook for stakeholders
The Stakeholders’ Civilhood Handbook intends to inform and motivate as many professionals as possible about civic education and labour market integration of unaccompanied minors.
YEA – Literature review
This Literature review aims to identify the key themes in building social relations among young people living in the local communities of Italy, Belgium and Finland.
ENABLE – Newsletters
Download the ENABLE project newsletters!