EUNITE! aims to get European citizens more involved in European Parliament elections by promoting interest in EU policies and critical use of the media. Through workshops, debates and meetings, it has produced the Citizens Lab, a collection of recommendations from participants.
Integrazione sociale
Citizens Xelerator – Model and kit
Citizens Xelerator provides a model and kit to help adults with literacy needs improve their skills and promote civic engagement. Through Action Labs, resources will guide the development of local solutions to address social and sustainability challenges.
EUNITE! – Proposals of European citizens regarding the policies of the Union
The EUNITE! project aims to boost European citizens’ participation in European Parliament elections by promoting interest in EU policies and developing critical sense in interpreting information and using the media.
PITCH – Social cluster
The paper describes the Social Cluster of the PITCH program, which includes social cafes and neighborhood walks. These walks aim to promote the socialization and inclusion of migrant women by creating support networks and strengthening their local knowledge and self-confidence.
PITCH – Cluster of Raising-Awareness Guidance
The manual contains the Career Awareness and Guidance Cluster, which proposes a series of nonformal activities focusing on rights and duties, active citizenship and career guidance.
Road To Freedom – Platform
The “Road To Freedom” E-learning Platform is one of the main outcomes of the project of the same name.
Creation POP – Newsletter
Download the Creation POP newsletters for all the latest developments on the project. The Creation POP project is dedicated to enhancing the social inclusion of older adults by using intergenerational creative arts, particularly theatre-based activities.
In&In Education – Mapping: strategies and resources for socio-educational inclusion of students of migrant origin – Sicilia
This mapping brings together a set of educational measures and resources that serve both school management teams and teachers, students, and families.
PITCH – Profiling toolbox
The goal of the manual is to facilitate the inclusion of migrant women by taking a gender-sensitive approach tailored to their needs.
YEA – Guidelines of the inclusive co-creative process for target groups involved
These guidelines are the result of the perspectives of young people and socioeducational staff on the skills and experiences of participation in the area.
SAFE HUT – Newsletter
Safe Hut’s newsletter presents the project’s goals and next steps with respect to the empowerment of third-country women and girls exposed to trafficking.
INCLUSION RELOADED – Methodologies for inclusive sport
This manual of methodologies for inclusive sports gathers different segments related to inclusive sport, including sport for people with physical disabilities, sport for youth at risk of marginalisation and other different non-formal education methodologies applicable to sport.
In&In Education – Teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin
The course Teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin through intersectional approach overall aims to strengthen the teachers’ knowledge on the educational inclusion of students at pre-school, primary and secondary school stages, focusing on the needs of girls and boys with migrant origin, and paying special attention to educational transitions and early school leaving.
EU CARES – Newsletter
Read the EU CARES newsletter-you will find project progress information on the initiatives we are pursuing to promote positive change in communities.
HaHa – Handbook for trainers
The Handbook for educators collects different methodologies and practical activities based on artistic tools.