The GRECO handbook is useful for better understanding job opportunities in the green economy, the potential for generating new jobs in the future, and the related skills required to perform these jobs.
Good Practices
MEDUSA – Report on online gender-based violence
The analysis will contribute to the common international exchange and understanding of the specific circumstances of the countries involved in this project, in the area of frequency, prevention and challenges related with gender-based online violence.
SOPHIE – Card Game for families
The SOPHIE family card game aims to support safer habits with respect to children and adolescents’ Internet use.
Green League – Green Zines
Green Zines present the Green League’s 4 natural elements’ sport events in nature experience through photos, quotes and material collected by participants during the 8 local events in each partner country.
eGreen – Reducing the impact of digital practice on the environment
The specific objective of this toolkit is to support professionals at Vocational Institutes in implementing measures related to green digital transformation.
EU CARES – Newsletter
Read the EU CARES newsletter-you will find project progress information on the initiatives we are pursuing to promote positive change in communities.
YUPAD – Report & recommendations on participatory budget
The policy brief collects good practices, experiences and lessons learned from stakeholders and all project beneficiaries.
HaHa – Happy Compass
The Happy Compass is a psychological support tool that can be used daily to stimulate creativity and promote experimentation among people. It is a collection of dynamic art methods that aim to improve the quality of life of those who particularly suffered during the pandemic.
HaHa – Handbook for trainers
The Handbook for educators collects different methodologies and practical activities based on artistic tools.
REBOOT NOW – Lessons Learnt Report on the experience of the Youth Advisory Board
This document is intended for those who would like to repeat our YAB experience, allowingз young people to be heard and consulted in all matters that affect them directly or indirectly.
TRUST – Results and monitoring of the action plan
This report outlines the results achieved through the involvement of law enforcement, the Muslim community and civil society, whose aim was to work in synergy towards overcoming prejudice, building trust between stakeholders and creating a structured support network.
AP8 – EU Parliament Simulation
Download the public report on Ap8’s simulation of the European Parliament! You’ll learn how a group of students debated the workings of parliament, electoral participation, and possible solutions to climate change.
FEMABLE – Policy tool-kit uguaglianza di generi in politica
Download FEMABLE’s best practice manual, toolkit, and national and European reports!
History Box – Policy Paper
Download the History Box Policy Paper!
AP8 – Public report
Download the AP8 public report!