Teaching materials
This is an Authentic Inquiry training programme available for European practitioners working with disengaged young people and/or young offenders to use in their own settings.
The Authentic Inquiry is an innovative educational methodology that aims to connect the personal, authentic interest and experience of the learner with formal education. This is done through an 8-step process that takes the learners’ interest through their own narratives and stories (personal) and navigates it towards the production of an ‘artefact’ such as a piece of art, poster or other product that has some external educational value (public). In so doing, a connection between the personal and the public is developed.
Here you can find:
– Training guidance booklet + Annexes: The booklet guides the practitioners through the methodology and training materials contained in the Annexes. The folder in Annex contains the training materials necessary for the use with mentors and teachers working with young people.
– Guidance Document for Educators: A short guide to support educators during the Authentic Inquiry process with young people.
– Findings Report of Mentor Case Study: insights from mentors who used the Authentic Inquiry with young people.