INTELed – Collection and sharing of best practices in applying the INTELed methodology
The main idea of the project (INTELed) is to advance social inclusion through inclusive education. INTELed proposes the development and promotion of a method for training inservice, special education teachers. The method is driven by embodied cognition and kinesthetic learning, and will promote the use of interactive ICT multi-sensory techniques for learning and assessment for children with special educational needs, such as those diagnosed with autism, dyspraxia, ADHD, emotional disorders and other learning disabilities. The INTELed innovative training method has been presented and accompanied by evidence of its effectiveness through pilot studies in schools at the partner-countries: Cyprus, Italy, Spain and Greece, and collection of best practices. The partners work on presenting the pedagogical framework, the training model and instructional materials, and the procedures for implementation and evaluation. In addition, INTELed targets the development of a community platform and sustainability of a forum/community of practice (CoP) around this effort.
Non-formal Education, Education and Training, Inclusion and Integration
- Methodologies
- Non-formal education
- Disability
- Social inclusion
- Teacher & pupils
SEN teachers, educational stakeholders
Info & contacts
INTELed – This project aims to support special and general education teachers in acquiring knowledge and skills about the use of multi-sensory technology for learning and assessment, for adressing the needs of SEN children in inclusive education contexts.
DG di riferimento
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