ECOPRISE – Newsletter

Friday 8 November 2024

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The Ecoprise newsletters present the developments of the project and the activities implemented, aimed at creating a new model of sustainable social entrepreneurship and skills for the professional figure of the Ecoprise Designer, which will contribute to local regenerative development and a harmonious coexistence between human life and nature.

DG di riferimento

Programma Erasmus+ Azione Chiave 2: Partenariati per l’innovazione – Alliances 2023


Higher Education and Research

Il progetto

ECOPRISE – Future-oriented social entrepreneurship through Ecovillage Design

Scheda progetto




Established or aspiring entrepreneurs in rural, social, and cultural sectors, interested in expanding and diversifying their offerings and making their activities more sustainable; Representatives of Civil Society Organizations who wish to explore the potential of the social economy and new ways to provide socially valuable and multifunctional services; Professionals in disciplines relevant to eco-village design, such as ecologists, designers, artists, interested in supporting future-oriented entrepreneurs in starting their eco-businesses; Vocational education teachers who will support future eco-entrepreneurs through specialized training.

Info & contatti


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CREATE – Training Toolkit

CREATE – Training Toolkit

This toolkit will enable artists to follow The Capacity Building course through all the training contents that the CREATE consortium has developed. The training materials comprise a combination of activities with text files, PPT presentations, case studies and videos which will be freely and openly available through the Virtual Knowledge Hub of the project.