XXI-EU-TEACH – 21st Century European Teachers

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A cross-campus collaboration to gain insight into how European teachers can approach and develop teaching in emerging 4 subject areas: Technological empowerment, Sustainable learning, Entrepreneurship, Playful learning.


European societies are rapidly changing, and we see a shift in the way we work, learn, take part in society, and in our everyday life due to climate change and digitalization (European skills agenda, 2022). These societal changes have profound effects on the knowledge, skills, insights, attitudes, values, and competences needed for whatever one considers a successful life.

While societies change rapidly, schools might not change as rapidly and readily as expected (Hargreaves, 1997). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the digital education has accelerated, with the development of new and innovative ways for students and educators to organize teaching activities and integrate technologies in online and hybrid ways of learning. However, there is still a need for competence development and cooperation on the European level when it comes to digital education for both pre- and in-service teachers.


  • Provide a beyond state-of-the-art mapping laying the ground for a common understanding of the four subjects in 21st Century European Teachers project and establish a strong network as a driver for mobility during study-visits and co-organized teaching cross borders;
  • Design, develop and try out 21st Century joint learning modules for pre- and in-service teachers in a “21st Century European Teacher co-education model”;
  • Provide recommendations for the 21st Century European Teacher Curriculum around the four subject areas through learning modules (MOOCs) made available via eTwinning;
  •  Provide recommendations on policy level by conduct dialogue labs and a European workshop to inform relevant stakeholders.


  • Establishment of networks of stakeholders surrounding pre- and in-service teacher education in five partner countries;
  • Development and implementation of five interventions in school practice as joint learning modules for in- and pre-service teachers;
  • Development and experimentation with new 21st century European teacher subject matter and corresponding pedagogy based on four recent trajectories in education: Technological Empowerment, Environmental Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, and Playful Learning;
  • Development of policy suggestions together with stakeholders in each country and on a European level;
  • Organisation of a Country Dialogue Lab per national partner;
  • Organisation of a European workshop for policymakers and stakeholders to identify system-level recommendations.


  • Interactive e-book based on the 5 reports from the study visits;
  • Research report on teacher education and training for 21st Century European Teacher profile;
  • A 21st Century European Teachers coeducation model for joint pre- and in-service training in novel subject matter and teaching approaches;
  • Five MOOCs; 
  • Recommendations for the 21st teacher competencies.


  • Established networks and partnerships, that will produce learning material and blueprints with recommendations for 150 teachers in five countries,
  • Reduction of the skills gap and acquisition by all participants of the 21st Century European Teacher Skills in the four subject areas.
  • 150 teachers become ambassadors with knowledge-sharing within each country and in the European digital competence framework.


The project

XXI-EU-TEACH – 21st Century European Teachers

Project number

101104591 — XXI-EU-TEACH

Implementation date

15/06/2023 – 14/06/2026


EACEA, Partnership for Excellence – Erasmus+ Teacher Academies



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