The document contains a set of recommendations for adult education centers useful for incorporating sustainability principles into all areas of their activities.
[:it]Sviluppo locale[:en]Community development[:]
SAFE HUT – Newsletter
Safe Hut’s newsletter presents the project’s goals and next steps with respect to the empowerment of third-country women and girls exposed to trafficking.
GEA – Interactive report
The interactive report summarises the results of the desk and field-based research conducted in partners’ countries, i.e.: Italy, Belgium, Greece, Estonia, Germany, Macedonia, Lithuania.
RECAP – Roadmap for youth social inclusion
The “Roadmap for Youth Social Inclusion through Art and Culture in a post-pandemic context” is the last output of the RECAP project. Its objective is to collect the lessons learnt during the local paths implemented with youth workers and youths and draw a set of recommendations and possible guidelines on how to accompany a process of social inclusion for vulnerable youths by the means of cultural and artistic methods and tools.
YOPEVA ENTREPRENEUR – Course #3: Business Model
Download course #3 of YOPEVA ENTREPRENEUR!
Download Citizens Xelerator newsletters!
YURI – Rural-urban youth handbook for collective and green entrepreneurship
Download the YURI manual, which aims to take a practical approach to the issues of urban-rural cooperation, social entrepreneurship and climate activism.
ISEX – White paper on comprehensive sex- education in Italy
Download the ISEX white paper: you can understand what the state of sex and affective education is in Italy.
ORIENT – Transnational compendium on orienteering routes for social inclusion
Download the ORIENT compendium: the transnational compendium of orienteering routes for social inclusion.
ORIENT – Manifesto
The ORIENT manifesto contains information on existing policies on sport, orienteering and social inclusion in the project partner countries, on the level of implementation of these policies.
FREEDOM – Comparative report on prison education
Download comparative research closely examining the prison systems of five countries-Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Iceland and Italy.
REBUILD – Youth Initiatives Compendium
Collection of good practices of local initiatives implemented by groups from Italy, Martinique, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania in the inclusive and sustainable reconstruction of their communities
REBUILD – Youth Manual – Designing, implementing and communicating projects Guide
A handbook for young people containing a brief guide to designing, implementing and communicating projects.
REBUILD – Training Toolbox on project design
This Toolbox is intended to offer youth workers and other practitioners working with young people the tools that they need to facilitate project design sessions with young people, to help them turn their ideas into reality.
REBUILD – Youth-led Strategy Paper
The REBUILD Strategy Paper addresses the key role of youth and collaborative networks in fostering real changes in attitudes towards stronger social solidarity and green lifestyles, thus contributing to rebuilding society in a more resilient way after the crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.