RECAP – Roadmap for youth social inclusion

Thursday 29 February 2024

Home » Resources » RECAP – Roadmap for youth social inclusion

Collection of best practices and workshop pathways

The “Roadmap for Youth Social Inclusion through Art and Culture in a post-pandemic context” is the last output of the RECAP project. Its objective is to collect the lessons learnt during the local paths implemented with youth workers and youths and draw a set of recommendations and possible guidelines on how to accompany a process of social inclusion for vulnerable youths by the means of cultural and artistic methods and tools. The roadmap will draw the guidelines to perform an effective path of social inclusion through creativity in a specific and completely new environment, common to the whole Europe and beyond: the post pandemic context. The roadmap will show inspiring experiences where youths are guided to improve their self-awareness, make their feelings emerge and process them through creative works, be empathic towards themselves and towards others, re-building healthy social relations, and ultimately have an important positive change in their life.

The national roadmaps listed in the present “Roadmap for Youth Social Inclusion through Art and Culture in a post-pandemic context” contains the following information:

  • The name of the responsible organisation;
  • The target involved (in terms of number, age range and need addressed);
  • The time and the schedule of the local path (the implementation period, the number of sessions in which the path has been divided, the amount of hours in total);
  • The name of the tools chosen from the Art and culture TOOLBOX for youth workers: all the roadmaps have been built by choosing at least 3 activities tailored on the participants needs.

Besides, some roadmap reports also some additional ice breaking, team building and debriefing activity;

  • Extra activities not included in the Toobox that the youth workers decided to include in the local path;
  • The objectives foreseen by the local path
  • The results achieved by the group at the end of the path;
  • A description of the Final Creative Work, that is the final outcome produced by participants during the local path (e.g. art exhibition, video gallery, dance performance, photo exhibition, etc.)
  • Some recommendation for the youth workers that are interested in implementing the local paths in their daily work.

DG di riferimento

EACEA – Erasmus+ – KA2: Partenariato di Cooperazione nel settore della Gioventù



Il progetto

RECAP – Recovering inclusion through Creativity After Pandemic

Scheda progetto




youthworkers, youths

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