A fair world based on the health

Wednesday 7 April 2021

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The conditions in which we are born, grow, live and work determine our opportunities to live a healthier life with a guaranteed access to healthcare services.

Ensuring that everyone has living and working conditions that are conducive to good health

COVID-19 has exacerbated imbalances in access to health services, and its impact has been more severe on communities which were already vulnerable.

On the occasion of World Health Day, World Health Organization is inviting governments to

  • work together with communities to address the root causes of inequities and implement solutions;
  • search, collect and analyze health data relevant to the national context to take actions that have impact;
  • increase investment in primary health care;
  • act together beyond national boarders to ensure an equitable supply of vaccines, tests and treatments for all globally.

Oltre l’impegno costante del personale sanitario, occorre intensificare le attività di sensibilizzazione e di promozione della salute in cui la società civile svolge un ruolo chiave.

Strengthening health responses and ensuring access to quality health care and services for all through new models of preparedness and response is key.

There must be further awareness-raising and health promotion activity in which civil society plays a key role. CESIE has been committed to supporting improvements to health to ensure widespread prevention measures and free access to health care are implemented. Current activities include:

EUYOUTH4HEALTH– Engaging European YOUTH in promoting HEALTH prevention

Comes out from the necessity to encourage young unemployed people, aged between 23 and 30, in today’s job market, through the definition and validation of a CV that addresses the skills gap in digital communication and marketing strategies for health prevention

Within the project, a Market Analysis Report was developed, conducted in the five project countries, which contains information on the health prevention sector, a mapping of the stakeholders, a list of twenty companies working in the field of health prevention and of the worst and best practices regarding digital communication and promotion measures and strategies. Last January, 15 young people took part in an online training course led by Professor Maurilio Caracci, professor of Marketing at the University of Palermo. The participants acquired skills and knowledge related to the world of digital marketing that can be applied in the corporate world and especially in the healthcare sector. In the next months, participants will be given the opportunity to collaborate with 5 companies in the sector and develop ad hoc digital marketing strategies.

The project also aims to increase interaction between VET providers, unemployed young people, SMEs in the field of health prevention, creating opportunities for interaction for them to improve their practices and communication with the public.

To receive more information about the project, visit the page cesie.org/en/project/euyouth4health/ If you are interested in collaborating with the above companies, visit the website www.euyouthforhealth.org/ or write to: simona.palumbo@cesie.org.

HEAL – A multi-disciplinary training to foster inclusion for women VoT

It aims to facilitate the integration of third country national women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation through the implementation of a comprehensive process of recovery based on competence-building, psychological support to women and enhanced cooperation between key actors. HEAL is implemented in four countries – Italy, Spain, Greece and Romania – by a consortium made up of five non-governmental organizations (see healproject.eu/en/partners-english/). The activities of the project include psychological support and transfer of employment-related skills through a multi-disciplinary training for women VoT as well as networking with employers and support service providers to facilitate the recovery and formal employment of women victims of sex trafficking.

For further information contact Ruta Grigaliunaite, ruta.grigaliunaite@cesie.org.

The ICU – RERE project is an Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in Higher Education.

The mission of the ICU – RERE project is to enforce A Knowledge Triangle (AKT) Approach to intergrade Education, Research and Community (ERC) to provide timely e-health system focuses on the advances in technology that offer patients, practitioners, medical centres, and hospitals new and innovative options for high quality and cost effective e-medical and healthcare.

For further information, please contact Giovanni Barbieri, giovanni.barbieri@cesie.org.

ISEX – Comprehensive Sex-Education Programme for schools

In a sexualized world, full of stereotypes and expectations, characterized by a prevalence of cases of femicide as seen in the last few months and where young people constantly receive mixed messages about relationships and sexuality, having holistic tools to deal with sexuality and emotions becomes a priority.

The ISEX project offers a long-term program to support parents, grandparents, teachers, educators and teenagers (11-18 years old) in acquiring tools to address relationships and Sex-Education from a young age through a comprehensive approach with the aim of leading healthy lives at physical, emotional, individual and relational level.

Are you a Middle School in Palermo? Do you want to introduce a Comprehensive Sex-Education Programme in your curricula? Contact us!

For further information, contact Cloé Saint-Nom cloe.saintnom@cesie.org 

Mental Health+ – Establishing requirements for positive mental health provision in VET

The MH+ project aims to contribute to the development of policies that foster inclusion within vocational training centres in the field of mental health by improving the employability of learners. In this context, the results of the research conducted at national level provided an overview of developments at policy and institutional level in the field of mental health and inclusion. These were subsequently used to create an online benchmarking tool that allows VET institutions to assess the degree of inclusiveness of their internal policies, as well as to take specific measures in this regard.

For further information, please contact Manfredi Trapolino, manfredi.trapolino@cesie.org.

MEW –  Promotion and support for emotional well-being

The MEW project intends to support the development of individuals’ skills, attitudes and mindsets across social and occupational domains in order to enable them to become active citizens, gain more control and self-confidence, and face daily challenges positively. After the development of five training modules on five topics selected on the basis of social factors and dynamics influencing our psychological well-being, the partnership is going to make available an interactive platform with video interviews with experts, a catalogue of European good practices and a free downloadable board game.

For further information, please contact Manfredi Trapolino, manfredi.trapolino@cesie.org.

Opportunities4autism: A spectrum of opportunities for adults with autism

The Opportunities4autism project intends to improve understanding of autism spectrum disorder among employers, managers and recruiters, to raise their awareness of skills and talents of people affected by ASD as well as the benefits of a neuro-diverse workforce. Opportunities4autims Training Package and e-learning course will provide VET trainers with a comprehensive set of materials enabling them to educate and train employers, HR managers, recruiters and other professionals supporting recruitment, management and development of human resources in communication with job candidates and employees with ASD, and in creating an autism-friendly recruitment process and workplaces.

For further information, please contact Cecilie La Monica, cecilie.lamonica@cesie.org.

Work4Psy – An innovative model for career counselling services to Mental Health NEETs

It supports the occupational integration of young NEETs (not involved in education, employment or training) with Mental Health issues. We have recently published a Literature Review Report on educational and work integration for people with MH issues in Italy, Greece, Germany and Poland, on the role of informal carers, MH practitioners and career counsellors.

Field research activities have also started: Focus Groups on existing services, difficulties faced and assistance needed, and in the coming weeks we will start collecting Questionnaires on training needs. To participate to activities in Italy: https://forms.gle/G5X2QoZQS3S3K83TA 

The project goal is to develop specific tools to facilitate Career Counselling as well as a Work and Education Integration Curriculum. All resources and tools will be available for free on an Open Learning Platform

For further information, contact Alessia Valenti, alessia.valenti@cesie.org.

Upspace, a project to train more sustainable generations

Upspace, a project to train more sustainable generations

UpSpace promotes climate change mitigation as a cultural initiative, engaging schools and communities to integrate sustainability into curricula and develop green skills. The project, launched in Palermo with partners from four countries, aims to raise awareness among youth and stakeholders through training, educational materials and policy cooperation.

Breaking the Silence: Uniting efforts to address the sexual exploitation of minors

Breaking the Silence: Uniting efforts to address the sexual exploitation of minors

The international conference “Breaking the Silence” promoted open dialogue and innovative strategies to protect vulnerable adolescents from sexual exploitation. Experts from France, Italy and Belgium analyzed the dynamics of the phenomenon and shared practical tools developed in partner countries. The event concluded by reaffirming the importance of European cooperation to prevent and combat this serious form of abuse.