- To contribute to the development of open and inclusive mental health policies across VET education;
- To improve employability skills of young people with mental health issues;
- To strengthen knowledge, evidence and best practice sharing in mental health.
- Research on developments in mental health issues and inclusion, best practices in engagement and service, design and mental health inclusion policy at the national and European levels,
- Interviews with policy makers, advocacy groups and VET leaders,
- Development of the methodology, benchmarking guidelines and feedback templates,
- Implementation of national piloting of an interactive tools and resources produced,
- Equality and diversity HR mapping,
- Identification of skills and responsibilities needed to develop a successful role for a Mental Health Champion within VET institutions’ organizational structures,
- Development of supplementary resources to complement the Mental Health Champion skills profile.
- European report into mental health inclusion
- MH+ Inclusion Ebook on mental health inclusion approaches
- MH+ Charter for Institutional Culture which will set out the minimum requirements for VET institutions to be considered as a champion of mental health inclusivity
- MH+ benchmarking tool for VET professionals to better understand mental health inclusivity
- MH+ Champion skills profile and additional support resources to help organisations develop the role of a ‘Mental Health Champion’
- Created governance approaches to mental health equality which are benchmarked against robust quality requirements,
- Empowered VET professionals to better understand how to improve their governance structures and institutional culture in reference to mental health inclusion,
- Developed common governance approaches to mental health inclusion in VET across regional, national and European institutions,
- Bridged gap between underrepresented mental health groups and VET provision, helping them better engage with each other,
- Highlighted new organisational structures to promote mental health inclusion through a European skills profile,
- Encouraged increased debate around mental health issues in VET, including breaking down mental health stereotypes around certain courses.
- ASPIRE IGEN GROUP LIMITED (The United Kingdom, coordinator)
- Learnmera Oy (Finland)
- The Business Foundation for Education (BFE) (Bulgaria)
- Hugaralf (Iceland)
- Fundación Intras (Spain)
- CESIE (Italy)