This report issued by the RELIEF project aims at offering an overview of the education and training associated with the bioeconomy activities in the European Union.
The first part of the report presents the results of the critical review focusing on the practices and approaches of education and training in bioeconomy in the EU. The review is published in a scientific journal and provides an important framework for understanding the information provided in this report. The following sections present a catalogue of occupational areas associated with the bioeconomy sector, based on the European Skills, Competencies, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) framework. This catalogue helps readers to understand the opportunities in the bioeconomy field and to assess potential mismatches between demand and supply of training; on the other hand, the competences for professionals working in the bioeconomy sector, according to the EntreComp and DigComp frameworks. The identification and mapping of core competencies and progression levels is important for professionals to assess their needs and to match them with current requirements and demands.
Other key contents of the report are the Mapping of Education and Training Opportunities, based on official data sources and the results of a training needs analysis conducted with training providers and learners in four partner countries.
In the last part, are presented the main findings organised according to the concepts of megatrends, trends, and weak signals, a discussion regarding the limitations of the report in terms of data collection and generalization and finally a list of recommendations inspired by the findings, covering topics such as curricula content, skills updates for teachers and trainers, human-centered training design approaches, and appropriate use of digitalization.