PLOUTOS – Community Interpreting Training Curriculum

Friday 15 September 2023

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Teaching materials

Across Europe, TCNs often work as ad hoc interpreters in highly sensitive settings with little or no training. Despite this dire need for interpreting services, very few programs for training community interpreters have been created in the EU, mainly because the profession of a community interpreter is not clearly defined in many EU countries and such programs face the ongoing problem of a constantly changing language demand and of the lack of trained teachers for the languages in need.

PLOUTOS will open up possibilities for both TCNs, but also civil servants from partner countries, to acquire training in community interpreting, with a special focus on the financial sector. In particular, one of the main aims of this WP is the development of a community interpreting curriculum for amateur interpreters who have already practiced community interpreting, but are not trained by institutions specialised in interpreting training. The programme will partly address the deficit in adequate community interpreting training in the majority of partner countries, and offer some long-lasting guidance since this material will be available online. As a result, beneficiaries will get a very good idea of the necessary skills and competencies required, so that they can better understand the community interpreting process, and be encouraged to pursue ways to further improve their knowledge, skills and competencies.

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Il progetto

PLOUTOS – cooPeration for achieving third country nationaLs’ financial independence thrOUgh financial liTeracy tOols and entrepreunerShip bootcamps

Scheda progetto




People who wish to become community interpreters

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CREATE – Training Toolkit

CREATE – Training Toolkit

This toolkit will enable artists to follow The Capacity Building course through all the training contents that the CREATE consortium has developed. The training materials comprise a combination of activities with text files, PPT presentations, case studies and videos which will be freely and openly available through the Virtual Knowledge Hub of the project.