DICE: Training Manual
The DICE training course was designed to improve, reinforce and make the work of professionals who approach newcomers in their daily practice more relevant and effective.
It shall equip these professionals with open and innovative practices, methods and tools to better understand and highlight cultural diversity, and allow them to acquire competences facilitating the integration of newcomers in their hosting societies. By enabling the professionals to manage diversity, potential misunderstandings or critical incidents, this training will increase the quality of the support provided to newcomers in terms of self-empowerment and, at the same time, will allow professionals to avoid burn out or emotional distress situations.
The training course is articulated in four modules. They encompass the four core topics of DICE, namely Diversity, Inclusion, Citizenship and Empowerment.
Since it is difficult to draw a clear line between these different topics, the partnership decided to address all of them, in an interdisciplinary way, through four training modules focusing on:
Module 1 – Intercultural awareness
Module 2 – Fighting discrimination
Module 3 – Approaches to be effective with newcomers
Module 4 – Developing skills of newcomers
Each of these modules contains a theoretical as well as a practical part accompanied by exercises to be implemented with migrants and self-reflection exercises in order to cover all dimensions of competences, namely providing professionals with the opportunity to acquire knowledge, practical skills and positive attitudes.
The training is addressed to all professionals working with newcomers to make their work with this target group more relevant and effective. Therefore, it should also benefit newcomers, namely migrants who recently experienced a migration process, thus arriving in a European country, because they will be supported by people who will have the adequate skills to better understand them, hence answering to their needs in a tailored way. This material can be used in two different ways: on the one hand, professionals can learn by themselves, due to the existence of theoretical elements and self-reflection activities in the training methodology; on the other hand, it can be used to facilitate a training with a group of other professionals thanks to the provided theory and group activities.
Migration, methodologies, intercultural understanding, social integration, vocational training
Professionals working with newcomers
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DG of reference
DG EAC, Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training